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My heart was in my brain and throat. I wasn't able to think properly. It was as if all the common sense and self control had left my body. I could feel my body going numb at the sight in front of me.


BEcAuse mY hOt fiT sHIRtlEss nEW NEiGhBOur Is wORKinG ouT iN HiS opEneD garAgE agAIn GoDdAmnIT

On one half of his garage, he had a pull up bar built into one of the walls and some weight machines. There was an exercise bench in there as well. I let my jaw drop, and I swear I actually drooled. I mean, he was a fine man. A very fine man indeed. Did I mention he was hot and shirtless?

I leaned against the mail box, letting myself put all the weight on the stationed metal. My knees felt like jelly and my brain had taken the rest of the day off. I stared at the muscles of his back contract and relax as he did pull ups. There was a large tattoo of a pair of angel wings stretching across from one shoulder to the other.

He suddenly stopped and released his grip from the bar, landing on his feet. His shoulders moved up and down with each slow, shallow breath he took. Snatching a towel that was nearby, he began to gently pat at his neck and face. He then slowly turned to face my direction. We made eye contact.

Fucking shit fucking shit fucking shit fucking shit fucking shit.

He smirked and winked at me.


I quickly looked away and ran back in the direction of my house, too embarrassed to even try and comprehend what had just happened.

Oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord

I quickly shut the door behind me and leaned against it, breathing out a breath I didn't notice I was holding. My legs lost all strength and I slid to the floor. I cupped my cheeks in my hands, gently patting them in attempts to make the heat go away.

My legs slowly gained feeling again.

Standing up from the floor, I slapped my cheeks one last time before walking to my kitchen to down some water (Because I'm a thirsty hoe). I picked up my phone and pressed the top number on my quick dial.

"Tae you gotta get your crusty ass down here nOw" I heard some background screaming and squealing before the sound of a door shutting made them stop.

"I'm on my way"

hello neighbour | jjk.   pjm. [watty's 2019]Where stories live. Discover now