Fluttershy x Reader. New friends.

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You sighed as you laid in a tree. Staring at the sky. You were lonely today in Equestria. You had just moved here and didn't really know anyone. Except for Durpy and Doctor Whooves.

You rolled off the tree branch and flapped your wings, you being a pegasus and all. You flew off and you didn't notice the pony right in front of you. Flying towards each other you fell on impact and a small rabbit was now on your head instead of hers.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" A flabbergasted yellowish pony said as she stood and quickly went to your side. Her pink main was long and flowed with her every move. It was beautiful.

"Yeah I'm fine. I believe he, or she," you tilted you head towards hers and the rabbit hopped off, "belongs to you." You smiled at the kind pony.

"Oh thank you." She said to you. "Angel are you alright?" She asked the small animal on her head. Angel nodded and pulled a carrot out of the pink haired pony's satchel a bit into it.

"Aww." You said unable to hold it back. "He's so adorable."

"Thanks, he appreciates it." She said.

"I'm P/n by the way." (P/n = Pony name)

"I'm Fluttershy." The kind pony, Fluttershy, added.

"Well it's nice to meet you Fluttershy." You said, smiling.

"Are you alone?" She asked. You nodded and your smile diminished slightly.

"I just moved here, I don't really have any friends." You said truthfully.

"Well come with me."


"Yeah, you can be my new friend." She said with a smile.

You nodded and headed I to town with her, your new friend.

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