// voicemail //

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// voicemail // 
word count: 1171 
"you wish you had more time."

Peter's gone.

You fiddled with the phone in your shaky hands, your chest heaving as you struggled to breathe properly. Your hair was a mess and your eyes were puffy and red, your cheeks blotchy. You didn't take a second look at the monstrosity of your bedroom. A lamp had crashed onto the floor, shattered. Numerous books were thrown onto the floor violently and your curtain was ripped.

Your window was still open for him. But, he never came.

You sat on your bed, legs crossed. You wore his favourite sweater, one that he gave to you at a sleepover. It still smelt like him. You remembered how much he loved you in it, he loved you in any piece of clothing that was his.

Peter always complimented you; whether it be calling you adorable, beautiful or brilliant. Your personal favourite was when he called you his – it was his favourite, too.

And you'll never get to hear him say it again, because of a bullet shot when his back was turned.

Now you feel empty.

You met him when you were five. He sat alone in the playground, a toy truck on his clammy hands. You watched him mutter lowly to himself, sigh and look up to meet your eyes. Of course, you approached him with curiosity and plopped down on the grass beside him.

"Why are you sitting by yourself?"

"I don't need friends," Peter responded, a sour look on his face.

"Let's be friends."


"I like your truck," you smiled and bumped his shoulder with your own. His cheeks went pink and you couldn't help but giggle.

"O-Oh. Thanks."

You two were inseparable.

Eventually, Aunt May made a bet that you two would end up together. Peter always refused to believe it, and you found it hilarious. As time went on, you realised that May was always right.

You asked him out. You two kissed and, well, it was perfect.

The two of you were perfect.

You still remember when Peter first revealed to you that he was Spider-Man when you were fifteen. You still remember all the mixed emotions you felt, and the anxious expression he wore. You remember how you jumped up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting out a tense laugh, tugging at his soft, chocolate brown hair. You remember Peter's relieved sigh as he embraced you tightly and hid his face into the crook of your neck, and you squeezed him like your life depended on it.

You remember how he'd press gentle kisses onto your face, hands intertwined. Peter would lean down and place a lingering kiss on your hair, your heart beating at an impossible rate. Every time, you fell in love with him all over again.

Peter would lay on the floor, sprawled out like a star when he was stressed. His forehead would gain lines and he'd rub at his temples. Peter always looked aged for a teenager. But then again, you always seemed to forget that he was Spider-Man. The weight of the world was undoubtedly too heavy for him to carry on his own two shoulders.

You'll never forget the first time you exchanged 'I love you's'.

You recalled the time you flopped onto his stomach when he first did this. Peter let out a groan, placing his two hands on your back. A string of complaints dragged out from his mouth and you laughed.

"You're lucky I love you."

Peter could hear your heart racing and his face turned pink. You remember how you panicked and forgot how to speak English.

"P-Pete..." his eyes squeezed shut so he didn't have to see you leave him. It would hurt too much. "I love you so much."

From then on, it was his mission to constantly remind you that he loved you with all his heart, body, soul and everything in-between. He'd make you text him after school when you got home every day, to make sure you got home safe. Except, you knew at the back of your mind you didn't need to. There was always a red and blue figure following you on the rooftops of buildings you passed.

You never brought it up and all you feel is regret.

You wish you never took his beautiful smile for granted.

It doesn't strike you that the grip on your phone has made your knuckles go completely white. Your thumb moves and pushes onto the home button, the bright light of your lock screen illuminating your teary eyes. There Peter was. Your wallpaper was of him with his arms around your waist from behind, a grin on his lips as you hid your face behind a curtain of hair.

Your heart sinks and it hurts.

There is a wall of text messages from friends, sending their love and condolences. You ignore them. However, there were two notifications from the day before that caught your eye.

'Missed Call from Parker ❤️'
'Voicemail from Parker ❤️'

Your blood runs cold and you begin to shake again. You missed your last chance to actually talk to him and you want to throw your phone at the wall, pull your hair out and sink into a dark hole. You're scared to hear his voice again.

Typing in your passcode, you search for his voicemail. You reluctantly click onto it and hold the phone to your right ear, your eyes shutting to drink in all you hear.


"Uh, hey Y/N. I-It's Peter," you bite your bottom lip so hard, you swear it's going to start bleeding. "I miss you so much, Angel. Patrol is gonna be a bit longer than usual, I think. There are loads of things happening and honestly, all I want to do is hold you right now."

You choke on a sob and clutch onto the blanket beside you. "I hope you're not still up studying for that calculus test tomorrow. You really need some sleep, Princess."

The walls of your bedroom seem to be collapsing and the ceiling looks to be falling on top of you. All you want to do is grieve for the rest of your life.

"Oh, Y/N! I forgot to tell you. This old lady bought me a churro because I gave her directions, kinda gave me déjà vu. I'm not hungry so I saved it for you when I get back and- ah, shit. I gotta go," you don't know if you want to smile or scream. "I love you, Y/N. I know you know, but I really, really do. L-Like, seriously, I'm so in love with you and I'm 100% sure that I always will-"

Your heart leaps and your stomach flips. "-fuck, okay, I have to go, like right now. I'll see you soon, baby. I love you. Bye."


And it ends.

You play it again. And again. And again. And you find yourself in a ball, your phone held tight against your chest as you sob.

You wish you had more time.




ok im real busy and i never have time to do this but yall are amazing and i love you all.

okkkk bye :))

-l x

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