"We have to be extra quiet, are you ready to go in and surprise daddy?" You whispered to the toddler who was carrying a cake that he decorated just for his dad. He nodded excitedly. Jack was still in bed sleeping. It was now 10am but you had woken up at 7am so you, Calvin and Harper, she was there alsleep but I guess she still counted, could bake and decorate a cake for jack. You pushed the door open allowing Calvin to walk in first with the cake and jack opened his eyes but closed them again as he sunlight was burning his eyes.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Daddy, happy birthday to you.
You and Calvin sang as you walked over to the bed. Calvin placed the cake on jacks lap. He looked down at the cake and smiled. He looked down at Calvin and placed a kiss on his head.
"This is the most amazing cake I have ever seen," he smiled, placing it down on the bedside table and pulling Calvin in for his usual morning snuggles. "I bet the cake tastes as good as it looks baby, thankyou," Calvin smiled shying away from his gaze.
Jack layed in bed with his right arm around you, you had harper resting on your chest, and his left arm around his son who was growing more and more each day which he hated, he wanted him to stay his little boy forever.
"Let me have a cuddle with my little princess now," he smiled at you and you handed him the small girl as Calvin crawled over to you and plopped himself on your lap. "Hey little girl, are you talking to daddy? I love you too. Oh is that what is going to happen," he smiled at the cooing baby. "Can I have a kiss?" He smiled and pressed a kiss to Harper's forehead. "Another one?" Harper moved her head forward and placed a sloppy kiss straight to jacks mouth. Jacks face lit up and you smiled at them both. Jack lay harper back onto his chest and smiled at you.
"How old are you today daddy?" Calvin asked and you chuckled. You loved it when he spoke about his age, you could annoy him about it as you were 10 days younger than him with your birthday being on the 2nd of January and his being on the 10th of January.
"I'm getting too old buddy, too old. But I'm 22 today."
"What age were you when I came?" Calvin asked and you smiled enjoying this sharing time.
"I was a young daddy, I was 18 when you came," he nodded. You and jack were quite young parents but you wouldn't change anything for the world. You'd always dreamed of being a mummy even at the age of 16 and you knew you wanted to be a young mother so when you fell pregnant at the age of 18 you couldn't of been more ecstatic.
"What age are you Mumma?" You smirked over at jack and he glared playfully back at you.
"I'm 21 baby but I'll be 22, the same as daddy, in 10 days." You said and he nodded.
"What age were you when I came?" You and jack were both the same age when she came.
"I was 18 too, same age as daddy," you knew he was a little confused about you both being the same age but he didn't say anything and just smiled and nodded at you.
"I'm 4," he said proudly and you and jack both laughed.
"Yes, yes you are. Now who wants some of this cake?" Jack asked holding up some forks and Calvin jumped up and down on the spot.
"My baby is 22 today," Jennifer squealed as he answered the door to her.
"Mother I'm almost 30 and you didn't get as upset as you are now," Jeff huffed and you smiled at him giving him a hug, while still holding Calvin's hand. He was tired, so he was being extremely clingy today. Not that you were complaining though, you loved it and so did harry.