Chapter 034

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A/N: This has Will and Mike together since the episode constantly switches between Mike, Will, and Eleven, if I just did each chapter like that, they would be so short. So they're going to be like this, most likely. I'll have the next chapter up soon.

(If you picked Will)

The car came to a halt in the middle of the woods. It was dark and the only thing illuminating the area around them was the lights from the vehicle. Nancy, Joyce, (Y/N), and Jonathan walked towards a small, broken, old house. Jonathan was carrying Will, while the others carried some things they would need. They walked in and looked around, the place was filled with furniture.

"It's actually kinda nice." Nancy said, breaking the silence. Joyce looked around, then back at the group.

"We'll do it here." They moved a mattress near the small fireplace and placed all the little heaters around the sleeping boy. Lastly, they tied Will's hands and feet to hold him down.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan asked his mother.

"This thing's had Will long enough." Joyce said. "Let's kill this son of a bitch." Nancy lit a match and threw it into the small fireplace, lighting it up. (Y/N) stood in the back trying to calm herself, everything was going to be ok. Everything's gonna be fine. She wished her sister was here.


Rihna, Eleven, and Hopper arrived in the parking lot of the lab and looked towards the building. They got out of the car as Hopper searched in the back of the car for some things. They heard the roaring of the monsters echoing from inside the halls of the building.

"We have to close the gate?" Eleven asked, looking towards Rihna.

"You have to close the gate."

"Will we all leave alive?"

"You will leave alive. You and Hopper."

"You're not gonna make it?" Eleven turned towards Rihna who only gave her a smile. Eleven stared at the building, her memories returning of that horrid place. Every bad thing. She heard Hopper shut the door of his car and come around to them, with a gun in his hand.

"Alright. You let us do the heavy lifting up front, alright? Save your strength till we're below." Hopper stated. He looked towards Eleven who wasn't answering, just looking at the building. "You ok?" He asked. Again no reply, she just started to walk towards the lab. Hopper followed, then Rihna.

(If you chose Mike)

Gia sped down the road as Steve started to wake up. He was still unconscious from the multiple blows he took from Billy. He looked around, taking in all his surroundings. He saw a can with gasoline in it and then looked up to who was holding it.

"Nancy?" He called, earning a disgusted look from the actual person. He groaned and touched his face, which was stopped by someone else.

"No, don't touch it." He looked up to see Dustin smiling. "Hey buddy, it's ok you put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight. You're ok, you're ok."

"Ok, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile." He heard Lucas and looked up. "Then make a left of Mt. Sinai." He looked over and saw Gia driving, who looked back at him.

"Oh, you're awake." Gia started. "How do you feel?"

"In pain." He responded bluntly, sitting up a little. Soon

(If you chose Will)

Back at the small house, Will's eyes opened and he sat up. He was sweating. Everyone around him was sweating. He started to panic and pull against his restraints. He looked towards his mom.

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