Plan B; Kim Namjoon

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I keep my word and leave him alone. I realize I might have scared him with my forceful approach. I should have thought it through much better. I have no one to blame but myself.
Jungkook isn't much help. He's been crying himself to sleep the last two nights because of Taehyung's rejection. I feel bad for telling him to go for it but...I know I wasn't wrong in suggesting it. He can't keep using me as a crutch.
I sip my coffee as he shuffles into the kitchen looking sad and dejected, eyes red tinged. I open my mouth to say something just as his phone chimes. He peaks down at it, freezing. He looks up at me, panicked. "It's him." He gasps.
Frowning, I raise a brow. "Him?"
"T-Taehyung! What does he want?!" He shoves the phone in my hand much to my annoyance. I look down at the message, skimming it.
"He wants to talk." I say handing it back.
His eyes widen. "I wonder why." He shakes his head. "I c-can't. I know I said I wanted us to hang out again but I'm too embarrassed after throwing myself at him."
I sigh, shaking my head. "You should talk to him. I think it'll be good for you." I admit much to his disagreement if his glare says anything.
"Easy for you to say! You get to regroup and ignore Jin! You said you'd stay away from him. I can't heal if I'm around Taehyung all the time. I want him so much." He whines.
I nod in understanding before snatching his phone and dialing his number. "Namjoon!" Jungkook screeches after seeing what I've done.
Smirking, I wink at him before exiting the room just as he hesitantly talks into the phone. He's being such a baby. I go into my bedroom since he's been staying with me at my house and close myself inside.
I check over my emails only to see over three hundred requests for new engagements. Frowning, I read through some, deleting others. I debate with myself on whether to schedule any or not. I mean...Jin has made it clear he doesn't want to be with me in an unprofessional way. I don't want to give up but at the same time...I can't pressure him either.
Sighing, I decide that working will take my mind off things so I schedule a couple of appointments with new clients. Why not? Jin doesn't want me so I might as well drown myself in distractions that do want me around.
I email the last client by the name of Jung Hoseok. The name sounds vaguely familiar but I can't think of why. After agreeing to meet him tomorrow evening, I shower and head to bed. I hear laughter from the other room and smile to myself at Jungkook's slowly growing happiness.
I know that the only reason I'm in this mess with Jin is because of him but I can't find it in myself to resent or hate him. He's just so...sensitive and needy. I want to help him get better but I think the answer to that is Kim Taehyung. Whether or not he's dating Jin...I know he's good for Jungkook.
Someone around his own age that really likes and cares for him. I can see how sincere Taehyung is towards him. It's a good change from the normally cold people surrounding Jungkook's life. Raises by people made of ice. An only sibling as well.
It doesn't excuse what he's done but it makes it more understandable. Now that he's slowly growing closer and closer with Taehyung, though, means he can release me from my guardian like label.
From the very first moment I met Jungkook. Three years ago when he was just barely 18 and he had requested my services...I could see the broken boy he was. After our first session, he clung to me. Made himself a regular client weekly and stuck to me like glue because he had no other kind person in his life to take care of him.
The only reason I put up with his selfish attitude and whims. His possessiveness, was because I thought of it as just another part of the job when it came to him. He paid me extremely well for my company and it wasn't just about sex.
Of course we did have sex but he mostly just wanted the companionship. Even if it was just for me to sit and listen to his ranting and raving all night. He's so childish but it's only because he's never had to fully grow up.

      "Where are you going?"
       I turn from grabbing my keys to see Jungkook leaning over the couch, phone in hand. I run a hand down my blue silk dress shirt and clear my throat. "I have a client."
       His eyes widen in surprise. "What about Jin?"
      "What about him? He asked me to stay away and I have to work. I'll be back late tonight." I say, heading towards the door. I hear him say something but don't catch it as the door closes behind me.
        I drive to the hotel where I'm meeting my newest client. He sent me the room number earlier that morning so I stride directly towards the elevators and up to the twentieth floor.
        Once there, I knock on the correct room number and force on my usual practiced smirk I give to all clients. Giving nothing of myself away. I never once let my guard down except with Jin and look how that turned out? It's better not to take anymore chances.
       After a long moment, the door swings open to reveal a handsome young man in a sleek black suit and white tie. His dark hair brushed back from his smiling face.
      A familiar face.
     I stand frozen in the hall, my face perfectly blank and giving nothing away as the one person I want to forget from my past stands before me, haunting me.
       I swallow hard and take a deep breath. "Hobi?" My voice is thankfully just as blank and unreadable despite the anxiety I feel inside. Why did I have to choose him over all the emails?
       His eyes trail over me pleasingly. "Joon-ah. Long time no see. Come inside." He says and moves aside for me to enter. I don't want to. I really don't.
       He raises a brow at my lack of movement and indecision. What to do, what to do...with a feeling I haven't embraced for many years since I was young, I step inside and close the door.

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