|| 010 - Greed ||

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Greed ~ the desire to possess more than one needs.
Terrace 5; the greedy lie face down unable to move for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts.


With a little help from the internet, we achieved to unscramble all the cities that I had received from an anonymous voice in my head. As we spent all night deciphering, a decision was eventually made. First, we'd set off to Verona, Italy. Next, Corfu, Greece. Thirdly, Philadelphia, USA. Then Toronto, Canada. And finally, Tauranga, New Zealand.

"Look, Ely. I'm sorry for lashing out like that. I just really want my freedom as soon as possible." I left my frustration at her to one side for a moment but instead just took her apology. At least she was trying!

My head became elevated so I was facing her, showing her a VERY shrouded smile.

"Don't worry about it. As long as you're gonna stay committed from now on." She chuckled.

"I will. I promise." Her pinky finger stuck out patiently, waiting for my own. I hesitated as I'm not the 'pinky promise' type. In fact , I found it rather childish, but hey! Kenneth kept urging me to slow down anyway. Even though I was seventeen years of age.

My hesitation faded as I just decided to lighten up. I needed to keep all the people I needed close by my side, and that was all six kids. So I peeled my vague smile into a swift grin, wrapping my pinky around hers.

"So....have you found anymore Sinners yet?" I questioned. Her eyes were locked on her phone, scouring every social media page she could find related to the others. Unfortunately, I doubted that we'd find the child of Sloth so easily via social media. They'd be too lethargic to even pick up the phone.

"I....think so. But I'm not so sure." Ita crawled across to my side of the bed that I was lounging, practically pressing my nose up against the coruscating screen.

"Eron has also agreed to having a look for them." Wow. I didn't know that he'd be this interested this quickly.

"Good good. Now let me have a look. Oooh Miss Ita Geo. I think you have just found your twin."

"Oh shut up." I laughed at her sharp remark as she probably knew that I was correct. The account that she had stumbled upon, was a girl, flaunting her stuff with her designer handbags, clothes, technology. She basically owned everything. Dismally, in her eyes, she's disagree with me in a heartbeat.

"Mona Dessébo. That's a nice name"

"But Ita, girl. That's not the point. Dessébo. Hmm..." I was now stuck again in a pit of puzzlement. That last name was a trick, considering the accent. I attempted reading the word backwards and Ita did too. Which did lead to a result. Even though the surname wasn't exactly the same backwards, we did use our intelligence flexibly. 'Obsessed'.

Ah! There was that click, as it appeared for Ita and Eron. And as soon as I captured that birthmark on her forearm....I knew.


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Mona's POV.
More. What I have is never enough. I just need more. Some people would think I'm a bully to my parents. I'm far from it. Just because they aren't rich. Just because they just have to do more grafting to reward me with what I wanted. That's not my fault.

However, there was most times where I completely detested my parents. They think I'm that thick that they can make me happy with fake Gucci, fake Prada, fake Chanel. Oh please they must've kept all the real stuff for themselves.

In my book, there's no such thing as enough. So unlucky for them, I'm not going to stop asking for stuff, which means also that I will never stop receiving stuff. That's just how I am so if you don't like it, I suggest that you cry in a corner and think about all the great things I have that you could never be able to own.

There's just a raging desire that always has myself thriving excessively for more. There's no halt to it, as much as I wanted, but that's the thing. I don't want to stop. It's like an addiction.

Which I will live and will die for.

Continuous Sinner. {COMPLETED.}Where stories live. Discover now