Hello again!

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Hello all, it's been another while. Updated back in... November I think.

Hopefully all of you are doing well and have had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

All I have to say is that mine has been okay. It feels like getting older is a struggle, but aside from that I suppose things are going well. My family has been quite sick with the winter illnesses, which is scary but it happens.

Well, the purpose of the chapter was to update, and update I shall!

Firstly, I've been trying to find jobs for at least six months, but man is it hard... and everyone has declined my employment requests. I guess I'll just have to live under financial support for a lot longer than I want, which makes me feel trapped... but it can't be hepled.

Another weird thing that happened recently was that I got messaged by one of my friends (who I had already told that I do not want to be friends with anymore...), and they actually said to me that they like me as more than a friend, and I was like 'uMMMM' - but the weird part is that they were a female, and also that we have been nothing but friends for a long time. But mostly I was just all like 'hecc™' because I never actually thought someone would ever develop those types of feelings for me, male or female. I mean come on, I look like a swine and act even worse 😂. But things just got awkward between her and I that day. But anyway moving on-

Second, with some random stuff, we actually got snow where I'm at!

I absolutely love snow and while we get some every so often, it usually is never enough, so I get very excited even at the chance

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I absolutely love snow and while we get some every so often, it usually is never enough, so I get very excited even at the chance. It comes with very pretty scenery.

Thirdly, and moving on to the even less important stuff, with Mysme routes I haven't done V's route even though it's been out for months; I suppose I feel like V belongs with Rika or something, idk. I went though a phase in the summer where I did all the routes and all but haven't talked about it in a while so ehhh it's just a random ramble.

Next, I would like to mention my Christmas gifts! (Screw you Wattpad for double spacing all the lines when you click the enter button...)

The biggest one I got was a cool bench thingy that went in the corner of my tiny bedroom. :P I can put books and all kinds of struff inside, so I thought that was really cool. I also got a cool cube that looks like stars when it turns on as well, some dice to play the Dungeons and Dragons game, and some video games! One of which is FE Birthright (TheWeirdGeekyOne I know I'm slow, I just ended up getting it late 😂.), and I hope to play it soon!

Speaking of games as well, I've been trying out a lot of mobile Games just cause they're fun and easy access, and it turns out that I love them! The only thing is, they take up every bit of storage I have. ;-; I also found out that I like Call of Duty due to me trying out the MW Wii Game. Other than that, Gaming has been sloooow.

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