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Hey, everyone. This is Bookie (duh) with an afterword (again, duh. Jeez, Alex, you're so dumb sometimes...)

Wow, this journey has been a long one. I moved to an entirely new school in the middle of writing this story!

I have a lot of people to thank for helping with this story. Mainly, my friends.

Echo, Basque_girl123, this story would be SO boring without all the incredible input and ideas you have "birthed." XD I love you as my best friend, and I thank you deeply, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me Kadi and the Scribe angle to work with. Without you, this book wouldn't exist as it is, if at all.

Rayn! Sierra, mi sorella, you have been a big help as well! I miss having our cool chats, but that's what phones are for. I'm so grateful for your ideas, your support, and your readiness to listen to me, no matter what I need to get out of my system.

My parents have been much more lenient with my writing, even going so far as to get me a laptop even though they knew I would use it to write more than anything else. Thank you, and I love you both so much!

My English teachers have taught me worlds of tips for writing, without which I would not be so eloquent with the written word. Thank you, all four of you (since the beginning of high school).

But, lastly, I want to thank you guys! My fans! My Birdies~ Your unrelenting support is what's gotten me this far and encouraged me to keep up the hard work. You all are amazing and deserve medals and big smooches on the cheek.

Thank you for reading this far, everyone, and keep an eye out for the third and final book in the series, which will probably be titled "Please, Just Come Home!" or something along those lines. (Edit: I named it "Homeless" in the end)

With all the love I can give,

Alex (BookBird1497)


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