Chapter 1

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Third-person POV
-The Beginning-
The wife of Kol Mikaelson was in the process of giving birth. Esther, Freya and Rebekah were delivering the baby. Kol, Elijah, Finn, Niklaus, Henrik, and Mikael waited outside of the hut. Kol was pacing pack and forth waiting to find out what the gender his baby was. His wife, Nicolette, was screaming in pain and he flinched every couple of seconds. Mikael noticed and frowned.
"Kol!!! Stop being a coward!!!" He yelled at his son.
All Kol did was nod and forced himself not to flinch when his wife screamed. Soon after the screams were replaced with the cries of a baby. They door opened and Freya smiled at Kol.
"You have a beautiful baby girl, little brother," Freya said stepping out of the way to let them all in.
They all came in and Kol was grinning like a fool. He rushed to his wife and froze when he saw his baby girl. She was beautiful, brown hair that she got from her father, a tiny face, and brilliant blue eyes like her mother. His brothers gasped at her.
"She is so small," Henrik said.
"She's beautiful, brother," Niklaus said.
"She truly is," Finn said and Elijah nodded his head in agreement.
"Nicolette," Kol said as he finally reached her.
She looked at Kol and smiled. She held the baby out to him and he gently took her. His siblings gathered around him including his parents. They all looked at her with love in their eyes. Mikael instantly wanted to protect her. She opened her eyes and looked at Kol. Kol was stunned and smiled at her.
"Can I hold her brother?" Niklaus asked.
He nodded and handed his daughter to his older brother. Niklaus carefully grabbed her and he smiled to him. Something weird happened next, it looked like she smiled back.
"What's her name?" Niklaus asked Nicolette.
"I wanted Kol to name her," Nicolette said.
Kol thought for a while when it hit him, "Violet Grace Mikaelson."
"Beautiful," Rebekah said.
"My turn," Elijah said.
After Elijah held her it was Finn's turn. Then Freya, Henrik, and Rebekah. Next is Esther and lastly is Mikael. Kol tensed up but Nicolette didn't. She somehow knew he wouldn't hurt her. Mikael was looking at her, then he looked at Kol.
"Good job son," He said.
"Thank you," Kol said and Mikael handed him the baby.
Kol took her and walked to Nicolette. Everyone else left the three alone. Nicolette moved over and Kol got beside her. They stared at their daughter before they both fell asleep.
-Six years later-
A little Violet ran around her family hut with her father chasing her. She giggled when he almost caught her but she slipped out of his grip. Kol sigh but also chuckled at her.
"Violet," He called to her.
"Yes daddy," She called stopping.
He came up to her quickly and picked her up. He spun her around and she squealed. Nicolette was in the doorway smiling.
"Daddy that's not fair!! You cheated!!" Violet squealed.
"There are no rules, there for, there's no cheating," Kol explained to Violet.
"What is a rule?" Violet asked.
"A rule is one of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere," Kol told his child.
"Okay," Violet said and kissed Kol's cheek.
He hugged her tiny body and she hugged him back. She wiggled out of his arms and out of the hut. He sigh and took off after her. He kissed Nicolette's cheek before he went out the door. He searched for her but couldn't find her. He started panicking.
"Violet!!!!" Kol started yelling.
He saw Henrik, Elijah, Finn, and Niklaus. He ran to them.
"Have you seen Violet?" He asked.
"No," They all said.
"I can't find her," Kol said and took off running.
They looked at each other and searched for their niece. They called out her name every now and then. They somehow ended up in the meadow. They found Violet, Rebekah, and Freya. They were making flower crowns. Rebekah placed one on Violet's head. Violet looked up and saw her father and uncles. She stood up and ran to them.
"Daddy look at my flower crown!! Isn't it pretty?!?!" She squealed jumping into his arms.
"Yes Violet very pretty," Kol said.

"Uncle Nik!!" She squealed

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"Uncle Nik!!" She squealed.
She jumped from Kol's arms. She ran to Niklaus and hugged him. He hugged her back. She hugged all of her uncles one by one. Rebekah and Freya joined them.
"Sorry to frighten you Kol. We brought her here after she told us she was running from you," Freya said.
"It's fine," Kol told his sisters.
-Ten years later-
Violet was in the meadow dancing around when her best friend showed up. She squealed and hugged him. It was Lucas Salvatore.
"Hello Violet," He said chuckling.
"Hello Lucas," Violet said.
Violet has had a crush on him for the past six years. They stayed there for a couple of hours when Esther started calling for her. Before she left Lucas stopped her. He looked at her and unexpectedly kissed her gently. She kissed him back and then pulled away.
"Bye Lucas," Violet said happily.
He waved and she ran to her grandmothers house. She walked inside to find her grandparents waiting for her.
"Hello grandmother, grandfather," She said.
"Hello Violet," Mikael said sadly.
"What is wrong?" She asked.
"I'm so sorry," Mikael said.
Esther started a spell and Violet started to scream. Mikael was so sad he couldn't take it anymore. He forced her to drink wine laced with blood. Then he gently stabbed her through the heart with his sword. She gasped and started falling but Mikael caught her. He almost started crying but held the tears back. Esther made the ring and placed it on her finger. A couple of hours later Violet woke up with a gasp. She looked around and saw her grandparents.
"What did you do to me?" She cried.
"You are the Original vampire," Esther said.

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