The Fight and The Regret

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WARNING: "Extreme" Cursing

Error's POV

Well before I die or get brutally injured, I have to hand it to them, I wasn't expecting an army to just appear out of thin air. I was just expecting Ink or maybe the Sans from the new AU to appear out of thin air and try to kill me but I guess not. Jesus Ink went all out this time. No wonder I never saw Ink when I was destroying the AU's for the past week and a half, Ink was to busy recruiting and convincing Sanses and some Papyruses to come and help him kill the destroyer of the multiverse. But they should know that if they die outside of their AU, the AU will permanently destroy itself. Ink should have had most of the Sanses on his side days ago, and a blank world would have taken no effort at all to create. So what was up with Ink this time? He had a smug look as if he knew he was going to win and that made me want to facepalm.

Ink's done something similar to this a few weeks ago when he and some Sanses attacked me in a blank world. I had to refrain from killing Death when he had low HP because of his role of being the God of Death. Jeez, no wonder he hates me. I make his job harder... I should destroy AU's more often. But back to the point, Ink usually learns his lesson when his plans fail. So, of course, I have my guard up this time. While I may hate him, he is no fool. Sure he's naive and has an ego but he's not stupid. At least not as stupid as some of the monsters I have encountered in the past.

The problem I have is that there is no way in hell I am going to be able to kill or brutally injure every Sans if I fight them with my normal style. At least I have an attack I've kept hidden for years. I would use it more often, but it drains most of my magic and energy so I have only used it once. There are good reasons for why I target newer or younger AU's. It makes my life easier. The other problems are the Sanses. Fell never looks that confident. Cocky maybe but his brother beat the confidence out of him. I think. I don't pay attention to boring AU's. Classic looks alert. Science Sans was fighting!? Outer is actually here?

I thought we made a small truce. I would not destroy his AU as long as he let me stargaze in his AU without alerting Ink of my presence immediately like so many of the other Sanses. Sometimes genocide routes would abruptly stop and reset to pacifist in OuterTale. I wonder why? I totally had nothing to do with it. But I definitely appreciated his tolerance with me and I have some respect for him. At least I did. Now I don't know. Also Geno and Blue are here. But Geno rarely leaves his AU for fear of dying and Blue is just too nice to me to even think about it. Also, I can tell they're both in their AU's right now from reading the code... I'm so confused.

All of that I saw and thought in at least a couple of seconds. They could have attacked me by now. At least that's what I would have done if Ink was in shock. Ink's cocky... Oh dear lord. What the fuck did he do this time to make my already horrible life even worse?

"WHat tHe FUCK InKY?! AnD heRe i THOugHt yoU ActuAllY cAreD aBOuT moSt oF youR crEaTIons."

That slapped the smug look off of Ink's face, and he did it for one reason and one reason only. I never curse, even at him. I held in a laugh as my glitching became worse from the stress. Ink gave me a look I have never seen before. What mini bottle of paint on his sash did he use? He looked pissed yet happy at the same time. Who looks pissed and happy at the same time? Oh, wait I know the answer! It's Ink, that cocky mother fuc-

Most of the Sanses forgot about their attacks, which made the attacks disappear and the others just lowered what melee weapon they have. I just said that out loud didn't I? Wow... Just from the shock of me cursing too. I think I broke them... Yay?

Ink was one of the first to snap out of his shock, and what he said made me facepalm.

"Jezz Error, I never knew you had the guts to curse."

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