4: You Rejected Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

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"I'm probably not going to be that much fun," I warn Dominic over the phone as I do my makeup.

"Yeah you will. Are you almost ready?" He's been ready for a half hour now and is just itching to get off campus.

"Yes. I'm just finishing up my makeup." 

"Okay." I go quiet and focus on dragging the eyeliner across my eyelid to create a sharp wing. I cross my fingers and make an attempt to match it on the other side. I manage to do so and sigh in relief. I coat my lashes with mascara and fan my eyes. Once they're dry, I spray my face with setting spray.

"I'm finished." I admire my makeup in the mirror and nod proudly.

"I know. I heard the spray stuff," he comments. "I'm on the way." The phone beeps, signifying that he hung up.

I carefully pull on my pink cropped hoodie and yank on my black jeans. Once again, I shove my feet into my white converse. I'm grateful for having braided my hair earlier because at that exact moment, Dominic calls my phone and I know he's outside. I spritz myself with perfume before grabbing my phone and heading out. As I push open the door to my building, the cool air hits my bare stomach and I shiver a little bit. I approach Dominic's car, get in, and listen to him whistle as I sit down.

"You look absolutely beautiful," he tells me while I buckle my seatbelt.

"Shut up." My hands begin to sweat and I suddenly regret not wearing foundation to cover up my blush. I shouldn't have tried to do a light makeup look.

"So what's on the agenda for tonight? Are boys off limits for you or what?" He gives me a side glance and I shrug weakly.

"No, I think I can talk to one or two." I texted Eli earlier that I may not reply as consistently as usual because I'm going out with friends.

"Okay, I'll make sure you do that." Before I can reply to that, he informs me: "Jack and West are going to be there so if you want some alone time with a boy, I have other people to talk to. Either way, I won't be too far."

"Thanks, dad," I mumble jokingly and he laughs.

We arrive to the party and Dominic leads the way in. A bunch of guys who I'm assuming are on the sports teams give him high fives and "man-hugs." A few of his high school friends greet me but for the most part, I trail after him, waiting for him to stop greeting people. Why does he need West and Jack when he knows the entire party? Once he finishes, we're standing in the living room where everyone's grinding and talking.

"Let's go downstairs," Dominic insists after nearly being shoved by three different people. I follow after him eagerly in hopes that it's not as packed. As I'd hoped, the basement is quieter and less crowded. A group of people are smoking in the corner while everyone else is just standing around, conversing. "Hey, isn't that the boy you said was cute in our political science lecture?"

I look over and see the guy I called cute at the beginning of the semester. "How do you remember that?" I barely remember. He shrugs weakly and motions to him.

"Go talk to him." I quickly shake my head.

"No..." He's out of my league.

"Why not?" He looks from me to the boy and back again. 

"What if he rejects me?" I rub my arm nervously and imagine all the scenarios in which this kid yells at me to go away.

"Why would he?" I shrug again, not wanting to explain how he is in the top league while I barely make the middle. "You've got to be more confident in yourself. You're smart. You're funny. You're hot. What more could a guy want, honestly?"

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