XXIX. Scouting Legion (3)

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Because Dianne and Jasmine, like a normal nobles, doesn't want to go or even near to a place for what they called 'barbarians' place'. But Michelle was persistent and eventually, the six of us makes a voting between shopping or adventurer guild. Who got the majority of votes, that's our next destination!

With grumbling, Dianne and Jasmine still followed us towards the Adventurer Guild Kamdet Branch (Kamdet City was the name of the Capital of Falias Kingdom) since the ratio of voting was 4:2.

The four composed of Michelle (obviously), me (who prefer adventure rather than shopping), Coleen (who got a threat glare from Michelle), and Tanya (who said that it was a change of environment).

As we enter the guild, Dianne and Jasmine still continued with complains for entering a barbarian's place, that a noble girls like us should never be inside this kind of place. It is not so 'lady-like' and might ruin our 'reputation' for marriage prospect in the future if we are seen entering this kind of place but because we did a fair voting, they still followed us.

As we went inside, Michelle stops us to ask whether we did register before as an adventurer.

"Of course I will never be. This place is for barbarians only and I am a proper lady" Jasmine irritably answered.

"As a daughter of a Marquis, I am not allowed to go here or even near in this kind of place, so, it was obvious that I never register before" Dianne explained and Michelle rolled her eyes.

"I'm busy" Tanya answered without separating her eyes from her book.

"You're always busy. It's not surprising anymore" Michelle mumbled

"Ano, I uh—am not a-allowed to leave... the m-mansion's p-premises... without m-my parents... approval" Coleen shyly said in low and soft voice

"I register before" I said in low voice since I was ashamed for myself for being not a 'proper lady' I should be.

Because of my answer, five of them were surprise.

Look. I told you that I, being an adventurer was surprising since they thought of me as a lady, a proper lady.

Michelle started explaining to them about the rules of the adventurer guild, how to register and the life of being an adventurer before we heads toward the reception area.

"You must not use your real name since all of us are 'nobles' and we don't want to ruin our 'reputation' like what you said" Michelle warned us in a sarcastic tone, I ignored it as we all both nodded in agreement.

When we went inside, the noisy place died down and all of them look at us with different kinds of expression. They, of course, will be amaze seeing a group of young girls wearing dresses, not just a simple dress for girls but showed our wealth, in short, group of 'rich kid'.

With their reactions, they must be thinking 'why does this group of rich ojou-sama doing in this kind of place?'

Well, I don't mind what running inside their head has as long as they will not touch any of us then all of us are good.

"Hi ladies, how can I help you?" asked by the receptionist. He is a handsome young man in his mid-20s with shoulder-length white hair and heterochromia eyes; blue on the right and green on the left eye. But what really caught my attention about him were not his eyes but his race. He's a wolf beastman! A very handsome wolf beastman. Sugoi!

What is the difference between wolf beastman, lycanthrope and werewolves?

The three race were both wolf descent but what makes them different are not just their appearance but also their ability.

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