Side Story: Christmas

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You guys encourage me so much when you guys comment! Yes, it gives me energy to type more and more chapters!


*Kuroko's POV*

I wonder what Sei-kun wants for Christmas... I began to think about what Sei-kun would want for Christmas. As I was pacing back and forth around my room, I heard a knock on my balcony door and normal door. "Come in." I said not thinking who it might've even been at all. Out came Kise-kun (One of Sei-kun's friends), Midorima-kun (Sei-kun's second friend), Muraskibara-kun (third friend of Sei-kun), from the normal door. And from the balcony door came, Aomine-kun, Momoi-san, Kagami-kun, Himuro-kun, and Takao-kun. "HELLO TETSU/KUROKO-KUN!/KUROKOCCHI!/Kuro-chin../KUROKO/KUROKO/KUROKO/" shouted all of them. I had told them to not be so formal with me since they were Sei-kun's friends, and his friends are my friends.

"What are you getting Akashicchi for Christmas!?"

"I.. Don't know.. What should I get him?"

"Akashi... Is a hard man to please. But he loves you Kuroko, it shouldn't be that hard to find the perfect thing for him." Said Midorima-kun to me.

I looked at the floor, "I know!" Shouted Aomine-kun.

I gave him a what look and he and Kise-kun, Momoi-san, Kagami-kun (he looked very flustered!), Takao-kun, were all smirking at each other in a scary creepy way. I cocked my head to one side, waiting for them to tell me the idea of what to get Sei-kun. Aomine-kun whispered into my ears, "Give him you tonight!" I blushed at what I just heard, that's too embarrassing! What if Sei-kun didn't even like it? The present I was gonna give him would be worse than what he would give me!

-Time Skip at night-

*still Kuroko's POV*

I began to fidget around, the clothes I was wearing under felt very uncomfortable, I squirmed around, which caused Sei-kun to look at me curiously. I started to blush at his gaze, why did I listen to that perverted Ahomine-kun? Sei-kun crept to me and asked me what I got him. "I.. I... I... I... I.. I got you.." I started to say, I saw the shocked looked on Sei-kun's face. For a moment, he stared at me and his cheeks began to flush up. Sei-kun pulled me into an embraced and kissed me. Making me aroused and hard, I began panting very hard.

"Tetsuya... If you say things like that.. You'll get me rallied up ani won't be able to control myself around you."

"Its okay Sei-kun... You can do whatever you want tonight!" I said firmly.

Sei-kun slipped his hands under my shirt and began to massage my nipples while kissing me. His tongue asked for entrance and I allowed him through, we both fought for dominance. But I lost right away. He started to grind up against my rock hard cock. (A/N: I wrote this smut while laughing!). My insides were all hot and sticky. Sei-kun pulled my shirt off and placed a hickey on my neck and chest.

"Ahh.. S-Sei-kun... M-more!"

Sei-kun took off my pants and boxers before he took his own off. I blushed at Sei-kun's body, his cock was so big! Was that gonna even fit inside of me??? Its gonna hurt so fridging bad!!!!! "Like what you see?" I turned my head away and nodded. Sei-kun began to jerk off my rock hard cock and lick the tip of it. "AHH! nnghh... Haaaa.. Sei-kun!" I moaned out. He stopped and slowly stuck a finger inside of me, I felt myself sucking it up. "AHHHH!" He grinned and added another finger scissoring me, then a third finger. All of a sudden htook out his fingers and jammed something bigger in. "AHHHHHHH!!! NGHHHH..." I looked down and saw that Sei-kun was inside of me. He began to thrust inside of me, making me a moaning mess on the bed while drool started to come out of my mouth. 

Suddenly he hit my womb, making me joint and moan very loud. Even though I am a male.. Male dragons can get pregnant... I was connected with Sei-kun.. "S...Sei-kun... I'm so happy!" I said through my tears. He began to wipe my tears away and laid next to me, letting my head rest on his chest. "W-we gotta clean up!"

"We can do that tomorrow.."


"Are you gonna remove your cock from inside of me?"

"Let it stay there."

"O... Okay" I said blushing.


There it is folks! Smut... Eheheheh.. It was bad wasn't it? I tried thinking perverted from all the yaoi mangas I have read 😘 ITS NOT WEIRD!!!!! I love bxb!

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