When I stepped out into the bight sunlight from the darkness of my car I only had two things on my mind: the new change and new beggings.
"Hey Lisa get your stuff out of the car and put them in the house"
"Alright alright I'm going"
Well my name ima Lisa as you might already know and I'm 15 and I just moved to a new neighborhood today.
I'm an only child I only have my mom with me, my parents got divorced and that's the reason I'm here I moved here with my mom to Tulsa Oklahoma. It's nice here I guess its pretty nice even thought I barley moved here today. I saw some tough looking guy earlier about three houses down, I don't think I wanna mess with them. I'm in my putting the sheet on my new bed when mom calls me
"Lisa! someone's at the door can you please get it!"
"Ugh alright mom going"
I go down stairs and open the door to find three handsome guys at my door. And as my immediate reaction to cute guys I say,
"Hey boys how you doing"
with a little nod of my head and immediately regretting what I just said, a guy with blonde hair and hazel eyes with movie star looks answers me awkwardly,
"Umm... we just came to say welcome to the neighborhood and my name is Sodapop I'm 17 and this is my brother Darrel he's 20 and this is my kid brother Ponyboy and he's 14.
Damn were they all cute! I couldn't help but stare. and they seemed nice.
"Aw well that's kind of you guys I'm Lisa by the way thanks for asking and I'm 15."
"Oh right sorry" Ponyboy said turning red
"Its ok haha well nice meeting y'all I got to go finish unpacking see y'all later."
They all said bye as they left. I could tell Ponyboy was sorry for everything even of it wasn't a big deal, anyway I was planning on maybe visiting them later.
As I walk down the street I found myself looking for their house, it had barley hit me that I didn't know where they lived, but I really wanted to see them again soo me being me I start knocking on every door which wasn't much, three houses down a tough looking guy answered the door it was Darrel yayy I found them. he immediately invites me in and oddly I see more guys there, I must be in boy heaven or something, Darrel breaks my thoughts and says pointing to a guy with a scar under his eye,
"This is Johnny he's 16"
I said hi to Johnny and then pointing to another guy with a Mikey mouse shirt,
"This is Two-Bit he loves Mikey mouse and he's 18"
I say hey and them point to two other guys,
"This is Dallas Winston don't mess with him and he's 17 and this is Steve Sodapops best friend and he's 17."
I said hi to them as well and damn they were all cute! I sat down and they all stared at me Dallas comes and sits next to me and puts his arm around me and says,
Where did you come from in a flirty way.
"um from California"
"Whoa moved a long ways, so we should hook up sometime"
I looked blankly at the wall not knowing what to say but thankfully Sodapop steps in
"Leave her alone dally maybe she ain't interested in you"
saying it as if he was jealous, do dally takes him hand off and goes back to where he was and tell Sodapop
"we'll let her decide soda"
saying it in a cocky way ugh, but I couldn't believe I was already getting flirted with on my first day here and I find myself to be somewhat attractive but I don't know why they did that.
this is the first time I write a story so I want you opinion and who should be Lisa love interest please comment and rate!!!!!! and tell me the truth about this if I should keep writing or not

The Outsiders Whose Girl?
FanfictionLisa moved into a new town knowing about greasers and socs and through her life in Tulsa she goes through some up and downs but the gang is always there for her, she starts to like a guy from the gang and he likes her back. What will she do? ALL RIG...