My oh my. Where do I even start with this one? Should I start this off by swearing like a sailor? Or do I just get too the advice? Decisions decisions, why must you be so hard to make? Let me just start off by saying that I'm sick and tired of people using such predictable and overused plots in their stories. Like, REALLY?! HAVE YOU REALLY HAVE NO BRAIN TO THINK UP YOUR OWN PLOT?! SERIOUSLY!!!! I READ SO MANY FUCKING STORIES ON A DAILY BASES THAT ALWAYS REUSE THE SAME DAMN PLOT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!! THINK OF YOUR OWN PLOT FOR ONCE, YOU FUCKERS!!!! STOP USING SOMEONE ELSE'S!!!!
Now that that is out of my system, I'm going to explain what plot is. And to do that, I am going to start off using a dictionary definition. Reason being is that I have run out of patience with this topic, and to be perfectly honest with you, I'm tired of reading the same thing over and over again.
Plot: Also called a storyline. the plan, scheme, or main story of a literary or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short story.
In simple terms, the plot is basically where you want your story to go. It's the skeleton of your entire story. If you have a weak or borrowed plot, you have a weak story. It's the same in real life. You have weak or broken bones, you overall are not going to live that long and you'll be confined to a bed. The plot is everything because it moves the story along and it essentially determines how strong or weak your story will be. Borrowed and not-well-thought-up plots are dangerous because they'll kill your story. People'll get bored of reading the same story over and over again if the same plot is used. So think things through when coming up with a new story.
How to make a plot
Open up a google doc and write down all your ideas for any story you want to create. Once you do that, think of the type of genre you want your book to fall into and think of a plot that revolves around it. Find ways to incorporate your own personality, ideology, religion and thoughts to make the story more personal. Take a couple of weeks of contemplation before actually putting words to paper.
How to NOT make a plot
Oh this person's plot is awesome! I'm going to use it for my own story because I am so incredibly unoriginal and basic! Maybe I'll get famous off of it and not give the original author who came up with it any credit!
How To Not Fuck Up Writing a Story In My Personal Opinion
HumorThis is advice for all of those wishing to write stories on Wattpad, or if your wishing to improve your writing. This is also me venting my personal frustrations at people who do everything listed here in their stories.