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Madison POV

I tried not to freak out when I saw him.

I didn't want to bother him so I just continued afternoon session.

The day went by really slow since I only thought about Hayes.

When we came back to our bunk at 9:45, I quickly typed in my password to unlock my phone and went on twitter.

@MadisonCooke Looks like there's a special someone at camp this year @HayesGrier

The I went on Instagram and commented on his picture.

"You're at NC Cheer and Football Camp?! I am too!!"

I locked my phone and changed into my pajamas.

Then I got in bed and drifted to sleep.

My phone lit up and it was a twitter notification.

@HayesGrier You're here too? @MadisonCooke

I screamed.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" I said to everyone in my room. They all stared at me like I was nuts.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm down, but I just couldn't.

Hayes Grier replied to my tweet!!!

@MadisonCooke Yup! I didn't know you go here! @HayesGrier

Just then, I got a DM on Instagram from Hayes.

@Hayes_Instagram You go to NCCFC?

I started to fan girl, but quietly since people were trying to sleep.

My eyes quickly flew open and I sat up in bed. It was just a dream.

I laid down and fell back asleep.

*Next Morning*

"Get up guys, it's 8:45. Bugle's blowing!" Kasey said.

I got out of bed and brushed my teeth.

"Taylor, it's 8:50 you slept through the bugle" I said throwing a pillow at her.

She groaned and got out of bed.

Then we went to breakfast.

After breakfast, we got ready and went to morning session.

*Lunch Time*

"So, Mad, have you seen Hayes yet?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah actually I saw him yesterday but I didn't get to say hi, we were at afternoon session"

She nodded and finished eating.

We went back to the room for quiet hour and I took a nap, I was really tired.

My alarm went off and I woke up from my nap.

I got out of bed and got changed into new clothes.

I walked out the door and waited for Rose.

"Ready?" I asked

"Ready Freddy" she said

We walked to afternoon session and practiced our routine.

When afternoon session and free activity was over, we walked back to the bunk for quiet hour and saw a group of boys.

"What if that's Hayes?" I asked

"Hayes? Are you kidding me? Why would Hayes Grier be here?" Rose asked

Oh right, I never told her.

"I never told you! Hayes goes to camp here!! We were playing truth or dare and then Kasey said he goes here, and I saw him yesterday!!"

Her jaw dropped "OH MY GOD!!!!" She screamed

The boys looked over at us and we just ran away, feeling embarrassed.

*After quiet hour and dinner*

"Remember, don't go to the big gym, go to the field. You all are having practice there" Kasey reminded us.

Kasey headed out and we finished getting ready.

I added my blue and purple zebra bow and met Rose.

We walked to the field and waited for our team.

"Alright, let's start with warm ups. Spread out" Kasey said

We did 100 jumping jacks, 50 frog jumps, splits, stretched out our arms, back and legs, and did so much more, I can't even remember.

Then we got in our positions.

I stood straight with my arms pinned to my sides, my head down.

"5, 6, 7, 8" Kasey called.

At 7, we hit, and threw our heads up.

I did my toe touch, pike, toe touch, hurdler, then toe touch.

Then me and another girl named Layla do our round off back handspring, back handspring, back handspring, while everyone else does a toe touch, then a standing back tuck.

Me and Layla join the rest of the team for stunts.

I make my way to my stunt group and put my foot in my bases hands.

Since I was small, I was a flyer.

I hit on 7 and threw my arms in the air, with my hands in fists.

My group threw me in the air and I did a toe touch, then came down into my groups arms.

They let me go and we went into tumbling.

After my tumbling pass, we did one man stunts.

I stepped in my base's hands and threw my hands in the air.

My leg flew back, and I grabbed it, forming a scorpion. Then my leg went back behind me, and I kicked it in the air in front of me. I grabbed my left foot with my right hand and held it there, with my left arm through my leg, making it a perfect bow and arrow.

I smiled big and looked around on the field.

As my base threw me in the air, my eyes met these ocean blue eyes and I fell into my base's arms.

I knew whose eyes it was.


Miracle at Camp {Hayes Grier}Where stories live. Discover now