Chapter Seventeen: The Fates For All - Part One

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West Side of Stadium


Eto: (1700 LP) (Primordial Deity Dragon (Atk: 5000))

Yuma: (400 LP)

Yusei: (2100 LP)

Eto: You two have fought gallantly, I'm sorry that I must rid of you.

Yuma: It's my turn. (Draw) I will now summon Gogogo Giant! (Atk: 2000) and since Gogogo Golem is in the graveyard he gets to come back via Gogogo Giant's special ability! Next I activate Photon Star Alignment!

Yusei: Here we go.

Yuma: I can now pay half my LP (200 LP) to overlay these two monsters to make any XYZ monster I need. I overlay Gogogo Golem and Giant to XYZ summon Number 39: Utopia Beyond! (Atk: 3000) I now use his special ability, by getting rid of both overlay units I can special summon the two Utopia's from my graveyard!

Yusei: Great work!

Yuma: Come back Number 39: Utopia and Number 39: Utopia Roots! (Atk: 2500) (Atk: 500) Oh, and I gain 1250 LP for each! (2700 LP) Alright, Utopia Beyond attack his Primordial Dragon!

Eto: We will crush you!

Yuma: Gah! (700 LP) Now I can activate the quick-play spell card Spirit of 39! Since I just lost a Number 39 monster, I choose another monster on my field to gain an overlay unit and his ATK! I choose Utopia Roots! (Atk: 3500) (OLU: 1)

Eto: Not even close enough to defeat me. 

Yuma: Utopia Roots will attack Primordial Dragon! 

Eto: Destroy him.

Yuma: I use Utopia Root's special ability, by using an overlay unit he gains an extra 500 points for every level your dragon has, and that's 12 levels for a total of 6000 extra ATK! (Atk: 9500)

Yusei: Let's go!!

Eto: Hm.

Yuma: Utopia Roots attack and finish this! Rising Sun Root Slash!

Eto: Not right, I activate my facedown Mirror Force. 

Yusei: No!

Yuma: All my monsters.

Eto: Mirror Force destroys all attack position monsters when I'm attacked. Good effort though. (Draw) 

Yuma: I've got no other lines of defense.

Yusei: You'll be okay!

Yuma: Just make sure someone takes him down.

Eto: Primordial Deity Dragon, strike down Yuma! 

Yusei: Yuma no!

Yuma: Yusei... (0 LP) Gah!

East Side of Stadium 

Vex: (2900 LP)

Yuya: (4000 LP)

Atem: (4000 LP)

Vex: Primordial Queen Olympia attack and destroy Yuya!

Yuya: I activate the trap, Performance Exit! This allows me to escape all damage by removing from play a Performapal from my hand. 

Vex: Rune-Eyes attack Yuya!

Yuya: Agh! (1000 LP) Agh.

Vex: I'm done with you for now.

Yuya: (Draw) Since my Pendulum scale is set, my monsters are ready to swing into action! Come out Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 2500) 

Vex: It serves no purpose at this point Sakaki. 

Yuya: That's what you think Vex. I activate the spell card Pendulum Beacon! This allows me to special summon a Pendulum monster until the end of my turn. I bring out Performapal Silver Claw! Now I use Trump Witch's Pendulum effect to fuse Odd-Eyes and Silver Claw!

Vex: Another pointless Fusion summon.

Yuya: I Fusion summon Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 3000) Now attack Rune-Eyes!

Vex: They'll destroy each other.

Yuya: That's fine, agh.

Vex: All that work and my Queen Olympia is still here. (Atk: 4100) 

Atem: Vex, don't forget you're facing the best duelist ever right over here.

Vex: Don't try to distract me Yugi!

Yuya: I activate Odd-Eyes Mirage! When two more fusion monster with Odd-Eyes in the requirements are destroyed I can sacrifice half my LP to re-summon them to my field! (500 LP) Come out Beast-Eyes and Rune-Eyes! (Atk: 3000) (Atk: 3000) 

Vex: They're both weaker to Olympia.

Yuya: Strength isn't everything. I set one card facedown. 

Vex: (Draw) Olympia attack Yugi's Egyptian God!

Atem: (3900 LP) Sorry, but Obelisk cannot be destroyed in battle. 

Vex: Not bad but now you'll pay the price. When Olympia cannot successfully destroy the monster she attacks you are delt 2000 points of damage!

Atem: Agh. (1900 LP) 

Vex: I will finish Yuya on my next turn, but I will put this card facedown.

Atem: (Draw) Yuya, can I borrow a dragon?

Yuya: Whatever you need partner!

Atem: I activate Polymerization! I fuse Obelisk the Tormentor with Rune-Eyes!

Vex: Not possible!

Atem: When there's a will, there is a way. I Fusion summon Rune-Eyes the Tormentor Dragon! (Atk: 4500) 

Vex: Well, i'm not impressed.

Atem: Rune-Eyes the Tormentor why don't you show him why he should fear us! Attack Olympia!

Vex: Agh. (2500 LP) 

Atem: And that's not all, Rune-Eyes Tormentor Dragon can attack twice, but you can't activate any facedown cards.

Vex: No, I lose!

Yuya: That's right! Go Rune-Eyes!

Atem: Attack Vex directly! 

Vex: (0 LP) Aghhhhhhhh!!! Noooo!

Yuya and Atem watch as Vex's deck has a stream of gold leave and mist into the air.

"All my power." Vex kneels.

"It's over, where's Eto?" Atem asks.

"On the West side, but it's too late for your friends. He's finishing them both as we speak." Vex falls over.

"Lets go then." Yuya starts running.

"Don't go anywhere." Atem follows Yuya. 

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