Nine - Mates!

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I could feel them, I could sense their presence. I knew they were close by. As I ran, I paid no mind to people around me. I pushed my way through until I found them. There they were, smiles on their faces. I could feel the tears begin to swell as I ran towards them. I leaped into Jasper's arms and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, the sparks flying everywhere our skin touched. I felt the other person wrap an arm around my waist, creating even more sparks. I turned my head to see Tristan with an enormous grin on his face. I grinned back and bumped my forehead against his. I've never felt this much happiness in my entire life. I could see my parents making their way over to us, I could faintly see the tears of joy in my mother's eyes. My father smiled proudly. Jasper lowered me back on to the ground despite my protests and the both of them nodded to my father with respect.

I pouted when my father took Tristan and Jasper to talk to them. I turned to my mother who immediately grabbed me into a crushing bear hug, "I'm so happy for you, Ko. You're growing up so fast, it's as if it was just yesterday that I was chasing you around the house trying to get clothes on you... Oh how the years go by so quickly..." Hearing this just made me start crying, which made my mum cry even more. I felt two others join the hug and I looked up to see Seung and Em, which made me smile. Seung looked at me with his usual crooked grin, and Em the same.

I perked up when I could smell Tristan and Jasper making their way closer to our group. Before I knew it the both of them were behind me, joining in on the big group hug. My father chose to join by hugging my mother. Now we were in a big hug circle with my mum and I in the middle. I wish that we could stay like this forever.


Yes, it's short. But, it's the big reveal so I thought it would be best to give it its own chapter! Even though we all expected this XD I love my boys so much, I hope you love them too! For the ones who actually read these little author notes, who do you like the most? Personally it's Jasper for me. I just love his design and personality so much he's like a giant teddy bear and it's so good.

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