You text the wrong boy

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Y: Hey babe. Really missing you. Can't wait for you to come back from tour next week xx

Li: Hey (Y/N). This is Liam sorry. But Zayn really misses you to. All he talks about is you. Please text him so he can talk about something else :)

Y: Oh thanks Liam, I'll be sure to do that haha :)


Y: Can we meet up tonight? ;) xx

N: Wow (Y/N). I don't think that would be fair to Harry but i'm flattered :P

Y: I'm so sorry Niall, wrong person :)

N: I figured :P Harry's here. We're at the studio. He said he's keen for tonight and will text you when we finish

Y: Thanks Niall :)


Y: Louis, I really need you :( xx

H: Okay, Didn't need to know about your sex life

Y: Whoops. Sorry Harry. And just so you know I'm watching a horror movie all alone. I swear that's it :)

H: Okay, What ever you say ;)

Y: I promise :)

H: Okay. I believe you. By the way Louis said he's on his way home :)


Y: Disney movie marathon tonight? <3 xxx

Lo: Hell yeah, I'm in. Only if we watch Finding Nemo :D

Y: Sorry Louis, this was meant to be to Liam

Lo: I see how it is :(

Y: You can come if you like. I'm sure Liam wouldn't mind :)

Lo: Nah. I've actually got a date with Eleanor tonight but thanks :)

Y: Okay, have a good date and tell El I said hello


Y: It's positive :D <3 xx

Z: Okay. This is Zayn. Not sure what you're talking about :)

Y: Sorry Zayn was meant for Niall

Z: I thought so. He saw the text and got very excited. But now he's silent and has tears in his eyes

Y: Zayn I'm pregnant

Z: Oh :o Congratulations. Niall's running around the stage shouting out about becoming a dad :D

Y: Thanks. Can't wait till the tour finishes :)

Z: Two weeks left :) And expect lots of baby presents


Hey guys. Thanks for reading this. Hope it's not boring at all sorry. Will be putting up more longer stories up soon :)

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