Chapter 3
I peeked from behind the bush to see what looked like a small clearing, with trees around it making it look like a circle. But it wasn't the clearing that got my attention; it was the men in the clearing fighting.
There approximately maybe a dozen men, but only one was fighting while others stayed back incase of a surprise attack. The man fought with grace like he's been doing this all his life and plus his was fast and strong, The guy looked about 6f tall, normal pale skin, I couldn't really see his face that well, he was wearing camouflage pants with combat boots and a mens tank top showing his muscular figure. Most of the men were dressed like him except one.
He was tall and looked lean from where I was standing, he hard dark brown hair that looked red-ish in the sun light, green eyes which were focusing on the fight in front of him, he was wearing a long black coat, black khaki pants and black dress shoes.
The man that was fighting was finishing off his last 'attacker', though I don't know if the other guys attacked them or not. And he did one thing that mad my heart stop for a whole second, I held the 'attack' but the collar and smiled at him, right now I could see his face perfectly and I wish I couldn't.
His eyes were a mixture or lust colored red and really dark black, when he smiled at his 'attacker' he showed teeth and to my horror showed fangs!
Right then I wanted to run and run really far, but my body wouldn't do anything. I could feel my lungs ache because I actually stopped breathing. I've always loved vampire books, and that's it books because they not really and now... now I don't know any more...
The 'attacker' did nothing, like he saw this every single day of his life, I wasn't sure if he was human or vampire. The attacker looked like an old guy with messy dirty brown hair, and he looked weak. The Fang guy kept smiling at him.
"This is what you get for you're crimes. You will suffer like all your victims." said the tall lean guy that was dressed formally, in a very smooth and deadly voice. I shivered, that's how scary his voice sounded. My every instanced was telling me to run, to get out of there but I couldn't.
"It was worth it!" the 'attacker said, well I'm guessing he's not the attacker but a criminal.
"Josh, finish him and make it painful." Lean guy said to fang guy. And with that fang guy pulled the criminal to him and buried his head on the crooked of his neck.
In that instant the criminal started screaming and moaning in pain. I couldn't stop watching what was happening right in front of me. I really hope he isn't doing what I think his doing. The thought of him sucking the criminal's blooded blood made me sick to my stomach.
With in a few seconds there was silence. Josh brought his head up from the criminal's neck and by now the criminal's body wouldn't move of make a sound. I noticed that Josh's eyes went from black to lust red to brown, and on the edge of his lips he had blood.
Josh threw the body on the floor and turned around to look at lean guy.
The lean guy just nodded and the guys around them started digging a big hole, and I must say they were really fast, with in minutes the whole was deep and they threw all the bodes inside and closed the hole.
I was still watching them, but since I came back to my senses, I was slowly moving away from the bush, but still had an eye on the men to make sure they wouldn't see me and that's when everything went wrong...
I was walking backwards and stepped on a twig, which broke and made a nose. That instant they all looked up, I didn't wait to see their reaction because I was running, running for my life... praying that they wouldn't be able to catch me... I hoped...
hey everyone :) hope you like this chapter :) sorry if it's a little short :) i'll make the others really long next time :)
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