Chapter 5

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Red Nation: Chapter 5

~Varo P.O.V.~
~The Next Morning~

"Put me down!" Sweet Cheeks yelled as I hoisted her over my shoulder. "I'ma fuck you up in a minute!"

"The fuck you gon' do?" I asked with a roaring laugh as I held her tight.

"I'm about to punch you in your jugular so you choke!-"

"Ooh please do. I like being choked." I continued to laugh like a hyena as we fell onto the couch. Natalia was upstairs still asleep and it's like 4 in the morning so Sweets and I got some time to have fun.

"You're such a freak."

"Yeah but I'm your freak." I stole a quick kiss from her. 4 points for Varo. Why 4? 1 point cause I'm motherfucking Varo, 1 point cause I'm her baby Daddy, 1 point for what I said, and 1 more point cause I stole a kiss. Shit, I'm just scoring points today and its only the 4th hour into the day.

"Aww. Yeah you're only my freak. I get to be greedy with you-"

"You need to be greedy for this dick." There was a moment of silence before we broke out with laughter. "You do realize you got me all in love with you right?" I said.

"You're in love? Really Varo?"

"Fuck yes. I'm in love with you cause I actually love you. From every last tattoo to stretch mark, I fuckin' love you." I held her close in my arms and kissed her forehead. "By the way, keep the baby weight. I didn't think you could possibly get any thicker than before, but like usual you wowed me. So keep it cause I got more to grab onto."

"I love you too. I especially love how you don't care how I look."

"Girl you'll always look sexy as fuck to me. You could shave your head and bleach your eyebrows but I'd still think you're sexy as can be." Cupid got me good. He shot about a thousand arrows in my ass... I'ma shoot him back cause my aim with the crossbow be on point with all the practice I've had with Marco.

"Awwww Varo, you're all lovey. I love when you're like this."

"Of course I'm lovey, but Sweet Cheeks you know how I am about marriage right?"

"Yeah and I understand why?"

"Just making sure."


"Auburn Stevenson Will You Marry Me?" I pulled out the ring from my pocket and watched as her eyes widened.

"Alvaro I thought-"

"Yee or Nahh Auburn, I gots to know, cause if it's a Nahh I gotta take the ring back and get my money back." I hate when my pockets are empty. After my jeans come out of the dryer, I put a bundle of 100's in both pockets before folding 'em and putting them in my dresser, and right now my pockets are empty in this pair... I ont like this feeling.

"Of course I'll Marry you." She pulled me in for a kiss after I slipped the ring on her finger.

"On our 50th anniversary I'ma tell the guys I been married for 50 years, so if you gon' tell people, make sure the guys don't know cause it's gon' be fuckin' hilarious to see their faces." I can picture the look on Arlina's face when I say I reached my 50th anniversary. Fuckin'. Priceless.

"You're gonna seriously not tell them?"

"Hell yeah. It's gonna be so funny, I gotta mark my calendar on my phone to remind me. Hold up right quick." I pulled out my phone while she straddled me and looked at the hunk of diamond and gold that now sat on her finger. "If anybody asks, just say its a promise ring. They already know that would be the type of ring I'd use as a promise ring, unlike the bullshit rings Heather and Arlina had."

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