Just ask already

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Amanda pov

"Yo Maggie, it says here that theirs gonna be a dodge ball game wanna come with me?" I asked opening Magnus's

"Nah" Magnus said from under the tree reading a book "All the games here are to the death."

"Fuck, why tho?" I asked sitting down next to Magnus "I just got here, why do we have to die every day?"

"I think its to get over the fear of death" Magnus shrugged

"I guess that makes sense" I sigh "So what do you want to do Maggie?"

"I hadn't really planned any thing." Magnus said "we could watch a movie here."

"Yea I guess so" I smile "But, if you can learn not to be afraid of death then you can ask Alex on a real date." I said taking the book out of my brothers hands

"But i did terribly when I tried to ask her out last time remember!" Magnus stood up.

"Oh yea I remember" I laughed

"How do I ask her?" Magnus asked

"Go up to her and ask" I said

"We both know its not that simple." Magnus stated

"True." I sighed 

"Well then what do I do?" Magnus asked

"I have a plan!" I yelled getting up and running out of his room.

If you have any story Ideas please send them to me. I hope you liked this part of the story even though it is really short.


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