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Mitch led them to the store. Once inside, he opened up the trapdoor and led them down. Flicking a switch, lights flickered on. Sitting on a stone platform was a car, blocky and cubic but still functional. It had a trunk large enough for all their supplies, and was in perfect working order.

"Well that's convenient." Remarked Jojo, staring at the vehicle.

"Found it while i was searching for supplies. It should be able to get us to the city faster than walking. And we'll be protected from mobs."
Sky looked up from the car. "2 problems. How will we gas it up? And how are we going to get it out of here?"

Mitch smiled. "It's a minecraft car. It runs off redstone. And as for the getting it out..." He walked over to the far wall. Flipping a lever, a tunnel opened next to him.

"If i'm right, this tunnel leads outside the city limits."

"But what about the redstone? Where are we going to get that?"
"There was a supply the chests over there. Seriously,why can't you just trust me when i say i got us a ride out of here? Lets load up and get going."

They quickly loaded in all the supplies and hopped in the car. Opening what would have been the glove compartment on a normal car, Mitch slotted in a new Redstone Block, Then he pressed down on the gas and se off down the tunnel.

After a few minutes they came out at the edge of the city. Using the compass, they set a course for the oldest city


The trip went without a hitch. At least, until their last redstone block ran out.

Forced to walk, they gathered their supplies. Luckily, they were only about a half hour walk from the city. They trudged onwards, ready for their treck to be over.

Finally, they reached the city. It was guarded by ruined walls, that thought destroyed, were still high enough to keep out a human.

Though not,thought Mitch, A murderous flying psycho like herobrine.

They had to circle around the city for twenty minutes before they found the gate. It was very obviously newer than the wall that surrounded it. It was locked. Reaching into his bag, Mitch pulled out the key Seto had given him.

It fit the gate perfectly.

Silently, the gate swung open. Sharing a quick look, the four friends stepped into the ruined city.

A/N: short chapter, but this will be the,what, third chapter Today? More coming soon, and feel free to tell me if you like the story! Hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for more!

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