"So what you wearing tonight Claire?" George asked following me upstairs.
"Dunno" I opened my bedroom door and walked over the records.
"Wanna choose something?" I asked sitting on the side of bed, sitting the stuff next to me.
"Alright?" he searched through all the records I had till he found one he wanted to listen to, he hid it from me and told me just to wait, he sat next to me and the record began to play..
'My tears are falling coz you've taken her away,
and though it really hurts me so,
there's something I've got to say..Take good care of my baby'
"Like this song then George" I asked laying back on the bed.
"Its alright yeh" he laid next to me and rolled onto his side so he was facing me "you really did look pretty in that dress you know" he began running his hands through my hair and looked me straight in the eyes.
"Thanks" I replied looking at him back, he turned over and laid flat, he put his arm around me as I cuddled up to him, I couldn't help but listen to his heart beat, it was so calm and warm, each beat sounded like a tap of a bass drum yet higher, I moved my hand from the side of him to his chest, he was looking up at the ceiling drifting away to the music, he looked so lovely and peaceful.
He put his other arm over me and brushed over the lump in my pocket, he of course went back to inspect it "what's that" he said before he put his hand down it and pulled out the locket, with his thumb he flicked it open, he took a better look at it and then closed it just to look at the little engravings his felt on the outside "when'd Ringo give you this, I've seen it before, Zeta has one exactly like it" I snatched it from his hand and threw it at the wall "why you do that?" the record pinged off and out and so gave me a excuses to get up "Claire" he said sitting up as I put the record back and chose another one, another single, 'All I Have To Do Is Dream' George got up and stood behind me, he wrapped his arms around me lightly, I lent my head back on his shoulder "gonna tell me why you threw the locket?" he asked put his chin on my shoulder, I pushed him back and went to the locket, I bent down and picked it up, George sat on the side of the bed and watched me open the locket up, I took out the picture of me and sat it on the bedside table, I slowly shut the locket.
George put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back to him, he bent forward and cuddled me "come up ere" he whispered so I got up and joined him on the bed, I laid on the side closest to the edge and he next to me, he started to sign the lyrics, the song was near to ending already but it was a copy so had two songs on it on one side, the second being 'Cathy's Clown' which was one of George's favorites as I had caught him signing it on his own before, he pulled me over so I was on my side and in the right position to cuddle up to him and I let him do it, he just held me and the next song began to play "you ok?" he asked looking down at me.
"Fine" I replied clenching the locket in my right hand, he lifted up my head and ran his finger across my lips "I-" he quickly cut me off with him pressing his lips against mine, I closed my eyes and went along with him.
He rolled me over and laid himself on top of me, he pinned my arms as he kissed harder.. it was shortly after that I finally loosened my hand and let the locket slip through my finger but the chain was hooked on my index and stopped it from dropping to the floor but instead made it swing from left to right...