Ch. 23 cheater

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My boyfriend wasn't at work today. I wondered what happened to John. He didn't answer my texts or calls either. I gave up trying to contact him, and just assumed he was sick today. With a sigh I get in bed. It has crossed my mind earlier that John wasn't at work and it had something to do with Wilford, but that's impossible. Wilford is in my head, my dreams, this is all just in my head. I nod before laying down on my back, "All just in my head" I close my eyes and do the routine.

"I thought it wouldn't matter because this is all my dreams, and that was the real world!" I explain again. Wilford nods, "I admit I was wrong. You were right, maybe I went a little overboard with all this" I smile brightly up and him and hug him. He pulls me up by my thighs, making me wrap my legs around his waist, "now let's go upstairs and finally-

I sit at a table. Everything around me is dark. I can't even see the ground. There's not light, yet the table is clearly visible. I hear footsteps echoing around me and Wilford appears from out of the dark, "welcome back, sugar" he says as he sits down. "Hey..." I say shyly, "are you still-" he cuts me off, "how was work...?" He asks casually as if there's nothing happened. "Ehm...good...? Just an everyday day" I explain. Before Wilford can speak up again, Dark walks to our table with his hands intertwined behind his back, "enjoy your meals" he says before getting the silver cap off of the plates that are suddenly in front of us. "Thank you" I say, still confused. Dark bows his head with an obvious fake smile and turns around, walking back into the darkness and disappearing there.

"Noticed anything...different at work..?" Wilford asks, still wanting to have this normal conversation and dinner with me. I think, but not for long. Immediately John pops into my head, and I nod, "yeah. John wasn't at work today...and he didn't reply my texts or calls" I tell Wilford. He starts to grin proud at me before he starts to eat. "Wilford?" I ask, getting his attention. He looks up at me, "yes..?" He says, covering his mouth with his hand to not showing me the food in there. "Aren't you going to explain me what happened?" I ask impatient. He shrugs, "how would I know what happened? Two different worlds!" He says, making me remember what I said. I lower my eyebrows confused at him. He looks at me. It looks as if he's about to talk about it, but instead, he gestures to my plate, "eat, it's delicious!" He says before continuing to consume his meal. I look down at my plate and start to eat before I hear my alarm clock in the distance. "What?!" Wilford and I look in each other's eyes, "so soon?!" I ask surprised. Wilford shrugs in response, "dreams are a strange thing" he says before he quickly stands up, and walks over to me. He tilts my head to the other side and starts sucking on my neck. I get goosebumps and shivers from the feeling, but everything goes black slowly. I watch Wilford fade into darkness before I wake up.

I open my eyes, and think about it before writing it down. Today is a free day. I can go to John's house at visit him. I can finally get some answers. I get dressed, eat breakfast, and want to walk out, but someone already knocks on my door. I open the front door, "Johnny?!" It's John, my boyfriend. He has his eyebrows lowered slightly. He takes a step forward, his body now filling the doorway, "you didn't tell me you already had a boyfriend!" I lower my eyebrows confused, "I don't!" I tell him. He walks in, closing the door behind him before pointing at my neck, "then what's that!?" I run my fingers over my neck, and remember Wilford kissing me there. I quickly walk up to a mirror, spotting a hickey. I gulp, "I-I don't know how I got that..." I tell him, "honestly!" I turn to John, standing next to me.

"Well I didn't fucking do that for damn sure!" I gulp, "I just had this dream, but that's not po-" he cuts me off, "I had a dream too!" He sounds less angry and loud, but still as frustrated. "You did?" I ask surprised. "This weird guy said you have a boyfriend and you're cheating on him with me, and then I saw you and him having sex!" He gets more angry again. I look shocked up at him. "How is that possible" I mumble to myself, looking down. "How is that possible, indeed! Maybe your fucked up boyfriend is into some voodoo shit, but thank him for me for showing who you really are. A fucking CHEATER!" Furious he is, "we're OVER!!!" He yells before he slams the front door shut behind him. I still stand there, shocked.

"Well that was a short relationship" I suddenly hear a voice in my head say. I turn around. It sounded like someone was standing behind me saying that. "What?" I look around, "who's there?!" — "see you tonight" I recognize Wilford's as he starts chuckling in his weird way.

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