ix. makeover

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millie & red


The Great Hall seemed at least ten times louder than usual to Millie. Perhaps that was because her mind was still sleeping, in protest to the fact that Lucinda had kept Millie up far past dawn. She was so tired she hadn't even done her makeup, which sucked, because there was a Hogsmeade trip scheduled that day.

Millie was considering skipping lunch just to go back and perfect her face, which was void of everything but mascara. On the other hand, she planned to buy makeup at Hogsmeade, and it might be nice to try on her new products with a bare face. It was proper annoying however, since she wasn't used to walking around without makeup. With only two weeks until Halloween, her classmates might think she'd turned into the late pal of the Bloody Barron.

Since she'd promptly agreed to help get Benji and Demetria together, she went to the usual breakfast setting, which was she and Demetria giving up their house tables to join the Gryffindors.

As much as Millie desperately wanted her brother and best friend to get together, she would've preferred sitting with Regulus. At least she would get to go around Hogsmeade with him. That was more ideal than seeing what Sirius and his pals got up to without adult supervision. This whole matchmaking business was far too theatrical for her. Perhaps that's how Gryffindors did it: went the long way around to get to the person they liked. Millie preferred the Slytherin way of simply walking up to your crush and asking them out. Demetria wouldn't do that in one thousand years, and Benji wouldn't do it in two, so both of those options were null and void.

Millie sat down beside Lily and smiled when a mug of black coffee appeared in front of her, along with a bowl of sugar and a pitcher of cream. "Praise," she muttered to no one in particular as she began to pour sugar into her coffee.

"Why do you look so tired?" Lily questioned. Her green eyes were abnormally bright for it being just shy of eight o'clock, and Millie peaked under he table to see that the redhead was wearing the fishnets she had been lended.

"They look good with your skin tone," she avoided the question with one of her own.

Lily grinned confidently, "Thanks! I'm thinking of getting a pair of my own if Hogsmeade has some."

"They should. Especially with Halloween coming up; people might want to use them in costumes."

"Speaking of, what are you going to be for Halloween? For the party that the sixth and seventh years are throwing in the Great Hall?"

Millie crinkled her nose. "Do I have to be anything? I supposed I haven't looked into it."

"You could be a witch!"

Millie deadpanned, "I'm already a witch."

"No," Lily rolled her eyes, "One of the storybook witches with green skin and giant warts!"

"No thanks," Millie declined, "If I'm gonna dress up I'm going to look good doing it."

"Well you better decide before we go. Our next trip to Hogsmeade won't be until December."

Millie nodded pensively and sipped her coffee, hoping the caffeine would kick in soon and give her some energy, or at the least, some idea about a costume. While her thoughts consumed her, the rest of the group filed in, and Sirius sat on the empty spot beside her. He picked up another mug the house elves had conjured up for him. He took it black, and sipped it hot, not waiting for it to cool. "How are you?" his murmur was low, directed at Millie.

She started, turning her head to examine Sirius. He was always yelling; what was up? "What do you mean? Why are we whispering?"

Sirius held his mug close to him, perhaps to conceal the warmth. "I'm whispering because I didn't think you'd want anyone to know about... you know... but I don't know why you're suddenly whispering."

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