Chapter 34

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"Bitchhhhhh! How was Italy?" My loud ass sister yelled as soon as I was in her sight. We both just came back from Europe about a week ago and decided to meet up for lunch.

"It was good, I love his family. How was England?" I laughed at my sisters glow. She looks happy.

"Drama but I don't care, I just feel so good," Renee smiled so big I thought her mouth was going to split open.

"Why do you feel soooo good?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. This girl better not be with anymore bullshit.

"Tarzan wants to marry me," She sang out. "Everyone was so happy except for his father. God forbid he bring home a black woman to ruin his life" She mocked an English accent.

"Who knew that was still an issue? That's ridiculous," I felt some type of way. These hormones are starting to get the best of me so lately I've been trying to keep my mouth closed.

"Yeah whatever, hows Rico?" She asked before shoving an entire fork full of steak and rice into her mouth.

My sweet boy. He hasn't brought up that situation that happened a few weeks ago. He's only talking about Italy. Dro even ended up flying us to France and they both sat and drew the Eiffel Tower. They warm my heart so much. "He asked Dro if he could call him daddy"

Renee's eyes opened wide. "And what'd he say?" She asked as if this was a tv show.

"He said 'of course but only if I can call you my son'. I'm not going to lie that made me tear up a bit, Renee," My pregnant ass is about to start crying again I can feel it.

"I love you guys," She squealed and then looked around us. No one was really here, maybe six other people. "I'm glad you killed the demon to get your happily ever after,"

Yes. Killing Andre has made my life so much easier and Alessandro loving me is the best love I've ever had but is this my happily ever after? Watching my surroundings constantly? Second thinking everyone I come in contact with at the store? Hell, even second guessing my friendships and whoever is around me because I think that I'm going to be shot, again, pregnant. Or if I'm going to die or my kids or Dro. I have anxiety now. Is this my happily ever after.?

I shrugged. "I'm just ready to have this baby,"




"So how does it feel to be apart of the pussy whipped club?" Reno asked Tarzan

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"So how does it feel to be apart of the pussy whipped club?" Reno asked Tarzan. I chuckled and Tarzan cackled.

"Really fucking funny. How does it feel to be soon apart of the dad squad?" Tarzan asked and then took a gulp of his beer. He looks relaxed as always but with less frown lines. Reno has this aura about him now that Shay is close to giving birth any day now. They went to Atlanta for a few weeks and he even purchased a house down there too. That's good for them but for me there's no getting out of this life.

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