Chapter Twelve: The XYZ Effect

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Heartland City - 40 years B.P. (Before Present) 

Jaden and Yugi sit at a barbecue restaurant a mile away from the duel school they appeared at.

"Since we've been here I've noticed everyone uses XYZ cards and no other kind of special summoning." Jaden says.

"Which is weird to be honest. We got to learn how to use these XYZ cards and stop them if we are going to stop Vex." Yugi says.

"I agree." Jaden says.

A waitress with a plate of chili fries and a chocolate milkshake delivers the items to Jaden at their table.

"Your food will be out shortly hun." She says and walks away.

"Aww, chili fries and a milkshake. It's the perfect pre-duel fuel." Jaden slurps on his straw.

"You're a special kind of friend Jaden." Yugi laughs.

The blasting sound of an explosion echoes in the restaurant.  

"What was that?!" Jaden jumps out of the table chair and runs outside, with Yugi closely following. 

A duel is occurring outside the restaurant. 

"Alright, Number 39: Utopia, attack and strike his monster, Rising Sun Slash!" The kid from before shouts.

"That's the kid from the school." Yugi says.

"Alright, I won again!" He jumps into the air celebrating.

"Uh excuse me." Jaden taps him on the shoulder.

"Hey what's up?" He says.

"I was wondering where the explosion came from?" Jaden asks.

"Oh that was from our duel, sorry about that but I wasn't gonna let this thug try and take my wallet. But hey, you heard and saw it but you don't have a duel gazer." He says.

"Oh yeah, what's a duel gazer?" Jaden asks.

"It's what separates the real world to the virtual world of dueling so people can ignore duels and carry on with life. How did you two see it?" He asks.

"No Idea." Jaden responds.

"To be honest, we're not from here." Yugi says.

"So you're aliens?!" He screeches.

"Not exactly. But my name is Jaden Yuki." Jaden puts out his hand to shake.

"Hey, I'm Yuma Tsukamo." Yuma shakes Jaden's hand.

"I'm Yugi Moto." He introduces.

"Nice to meet ya'll." He smiles.

"So where are we exactly?" Jaden asks.

"You're in the grand Heartland City. The home of XYZ summoning. It was first developed here years ago." Yuma says.

"You XYZ summon as well correct?" Yugi asks.

"I sure do, but I got a partner in crime. I was taught how to XYZ summon." Yuma says.

"Who did you learn from?" Jaden asks.

"Well only I can see him, his name is Astral and he's from another world." Yuma says.

"Oh I believe you." Jaden smiles.

"Yeah we know all about that." Yugi says.

"I bet if you come to school with me you could learn, but you also need an XYZ card." Yuma says.

"Why not, I usually do bad at school." Jaden laughs.

"Well come back with me to class.

School - Courtyard

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