Chapter 13:

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"You don't have to go too crazy here Shelia but as close to Vera Wang as you can get." Veronica said.

Debs, Fiona, Veronica, and I were currently at Shelia's since Shelia was going to make Veronica's wedding dress.

"You're going to make a beautiful bride." Shelia said.

"Shelia. You're making me feel like Cinderella." Veronica admitted.

"Screw Cinderella. Little doe-eyed bitch." Karen said. "Probably one of the worst role models for little girls."

My eyes widened slightly at her out-of-nowhere comment.

"I think Cinderella was a feminist." Shelia said.

"The whole idea of marriage is a useless vestige of an archaic civilization." Karen said.

"How would you know?" Debbie asked.

"I watched one unravel." Karen said.

Sheila turned to look at her daughter then quickly went back to the dress.

"Oh. So one example of a bad one makes them all bad?" Debbie asked.

"In olden times marriage was nothing more than a legal exchange of women for property." Karen said.

"Maybe you're being a little pessmistic." Fiona spoke up.

"It's just a piece of paper." Karen said.

"A birth certificate is just a piece of paper. And money. Money is just a piece of paper. But those are pretty valuable." Debbie pointed out.

"True." Shelia said.

"Hey. Gloria Steinem. Enough of the blah-blah. Let's talk bachelorette party." Veronica said changing the subject.

"I got that covered don't worry." Fiona said.

"You better." Veronica said.

Fiona nodded.

"Cause we gonna be doing it." Veronica started singing.

Veronica, Debbie, and Fiona started dancing. I sat on the couch watching in amusement.


I was sitting in the living room as Fiona, Veronica, and Kevin talked about V's brother.

"Aggravated assault, larceny, and arson." Veronica listed getting my attention.

"Arson? Who are you talking about?" Lip asked coming downstairs.

"V's brother." Fiona said.

"Oh is that like a sibling brother or just a black guy brother?" Lip asked.

"Remember the fire at the Curves in the mini mall? That was him. He loves setting fire to things and he hates women. It was the perfect storm." Veronica said as she got dressed.

Lip sat down on the arm of the chair I was sitting in. We looked at each other and I bit my lip to hold back my laughter as what was written on his forehead. Kev had his bachelor party last night and the boys came home wrecked. He lightly shoved me and quickly looked away, trying to hide the smile on his face.

"He's nuts. No I'm serious. He came at me. I had to fight my ass off. Then one time I'm having a brew. He came up to me all 'ass, cunt, fuck!' on me.' Kevin said.

"Is he retarded?" Fiona asked.

"I wish. Tourette's coupled with bipolar disorder and a drinking problem. He's a shrink's wet dream." Veronica said.

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