"To Ben's flat?" Harry asked.

"No, not today," Nicolette said, "I don't think I can take any more today. I'll speak with him tomorrow. Please just, take me back to my flat. I want to be with Tori right now."

"Very well, Nicolette," Harry said before giving directions to his driver.

The car then started towards Nicolette's flat.

The 22nd of February, 2014

Nicolette let out a sigh, her left hand clutching the Kingsman Medal of Valor, her right hand held up to knock on the main door of the Black Prince Pub.

Four years later and Ben was still working at the Black Prince Pub. The difference now was that he was a manager, not just a basic bar keep.

Drawing one more deep breath, Nicolette knocked on the door to the pub.

"We're not open yet," A young man's voice rang from the other side of the door.

"Ben, it's Nic. I need to talk to you," Nicolette called through the door.

The curtain in the door's window moved to show the young blonde male that was Benjamin. Benjamin made eye contact with his sister before the curtain was dropped and the door was unlocked before it was opened.

"What brings you 'round right now?" Benjamin asked.

"Can I step in? I know you're not open yet but I need to talk to you," Nicolette said, still clutching the medal.

Benjamin looked behind his sister to see who was passing the street. When he didn't see anyone, he side stepped to let his sister in before closing and relocking the door.

"Ben, do you remember that medal that Eggsy wore all the time?" Nicolette asked her brother, trying to think of the best way to approach this with her brother.

"Yeah, that pink and brass one, right?" Benjamin answered while going back behind the bar, "What about it?"

"Well, 'Uncle' Harry gave it to Eggsy after his dad died," Nicolette explained, her left index finger tapping the medal still clutched in her hand.

"That's where that came from?"

"Yeah. And, that medal symbolizes that Kingsman owed the bearer a favor. They were to call the number on the back and say an identifying phrase, and then the favor would be carried out."

"Okay. But, why're you bringing this up?" Benjamin asked as he leaned against the bar counter.

Nicolette didn't say anything, instead opening her left hand to show the Kingsman Medal of Valor.

"That Eggsy's?" Benjamin asked, seeing the medal.

Nicolette kept a stoic face as she shook her head before saying,

"Queen Guinevere."

Benjamin looked from the medal to his sister.

"That's not funny, Nic," Benjamin said flatly, shaking his head slightly.

"It's not meant to be, Ben," Nicolette said, "I told Mum yesterday evening. She wanted you to have the medal."

"Nic, you're quitting Kingsman right now," Benjamin said, his tone still flat, and anger starting to lace his voice.

"No I'm not, Ben. I'm going to help 'Uncle' Harry find the people responsible for Dad's death. And I'm going to make sure they're dead."

"Nic, if they killed Dad, who had over ten years more experience than you, what makes you think they aren't going to kill you?" Benjamin retorted, his anger raising.

"I made my choice three and a half years ago, Ben. I'm not changing it now," Nicolette said, keeping her voice even.

"Nic, Mum's lost Dad now. Don't make her lose you, too," Benjamin said, trying to persuade her like he had before she joined Kingsman.

"Ben, you didn't sway me three and a half years ago, you're not going to sway me now."

Benjamin was silent for a couple minutes, and neither sibling said a thing. Eventually though, Benjamin let out a long sigh before holding his hand out for the medal that Nicolette was still holding.

Nicolette stepped forward before placing the Kingsman Medal of Valor in Benjamin's hand. The young woman then took a seat at the bar.

"Now what are you up to?" Benjamin asked as he placed the medal in his pocket.

"We've just lost our father, Ben. Don't you think I deserve a pint or two?" Nicolette asked, the ghost of a smirk on her lips.

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