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Look at dis bootiful pic
Zane's P.O.V

I groggly woke up to my alarm and I trudged to my bathroom to shower. I put on my uniform and stared into the mirror "Ugh....first my eye then freckles" I fixed my hair and put on a mask "ZANE!!! YOUR GUNNA BE LATE FOR THE BUS!" I dropped my brush "OKAY!" I put it away and grabbed my bookbag.

(Later at school)
I walked in the school,everyone had warm clothes on..heck..I even put on an extra jacket. All the meif'was and werewolves were all alot more...flirty and-OOOOHHHH! Right! It's mating season during the winter till' January.
I facepalmed. I went to my locker and grabbed my books
Michi shut my locker and licked her lips "hi zane~ Nya!" she pushed me against a wall and I went red. "Wanna have kittens?" She smiled and I pushed her away "Fuck off Michi" I looked for Kawaii~chan to see how she was taking it. "Hi Zane~senpai!" She ran to me...her cheeks were rosier than usual and she gave me a bear hug.Damn I could get used to this-Wait! No she's not thinking straight! I was punched across the jaw by non-other than katlyn accompanied by Aphmau,Lilith,Scarlet,Daniel,and Rosie. "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER YOU SICK BASTARD" She slapped me but I blocked it "I wasn't" I snapped at her. She tsked and I glared to my left to she rosie cuddled up to daniel protectively. "Sorry about Katlyn. She'a been abit on edge when it comes to kawaii~chan" she put a hand out and I slapped it away,getting up myself. "Katlyn~sama is so mean! Why would she hit Zane~senpai?" She scolded like a small child. I laughed playing along "yeah katlyn. Keep your anger in check" she muttered threats under her breath and I investigated those 2.
"Hi Zane!" Daniel smiled "Are you aware of the short werewolf holding your arm" I looked down at Rosie making the height difference show. "I need to make sure no hoes try to go near my daniel~" she nuzzled him and her tail wagged. Seriously how are they NOT DATING? I rolled my eyes "Kawaii~chan was actually going to plan another sleepover since its really cold out!" She handed me a pink envelope with a santa hat sticker to hold it down. Ohmyfuckinggodthatsthecutestthingi'veeverseenholyshitirenesaveme
I took it "better than home" and put it in my bag neatly. "Why hasn't the bell rang?" Lilith interrupted and looked around "Idk maybe cause its the first day of mating season so they need to prepare a bit more" Scarlet did the weird anime glasses thing. We all looked at each other and shrugged "Okay so why are we here?" Aphmau said,"There's no point" I looked over to kawaii~chan who was still attached to me. "Well...we can go early! Kawaii~chan's going to head home and get ready! See you guys there!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and skipped away. "ZANE~CCCHHHAAANNN" all the girls fangirled their asses off (except katlyn) and I tried to hide how flushed I was "B-BYE" I ran out the door and went home to change. I stopped running and panted "maybe next time it won't be the cheek~"

YoU iDiOt!😈

Sorry I didn't update for a very very long time. I had a project and I was running for 6th Grade Representative. Which I won *dabs* so hopefully You'll see more updates unless shit comes up.

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