chapter 65: coming home

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"DADDIESSSS!" ollie yelled excitedly as dallon opened the front door of tyler and josh.

"hi, bubba!" tyler smiled, leaning down and picking his son up, spinning him around in his arms.

"hi, ollie!" josh grinned, kissing the toddler's forehead.

"HI DADDY!" ollie yelled, hugging josh's neck tightly as tyler held him.

"thanks for keeping him, dal," tyler said. "hopefully he wasn't too much work."

dallon smiled and shook his head. "nah, he was great. he's always been fun."

"MHM!" ollie hummed in agreement.

all three adults giggled, smiling at how adorable the boy was.

"oh, yeah. by the way, we lost his overalls," dallon said. "well, i guess... we didn't lose them, just, he buried them somewhere in the backyard."

"what the hell? how?" josh said.

dallon shrugged. "i really don't know how. i was making dinner and i guess i left the back door open. then he came inside naked with dirt all over him."

tyler sighed, honestly not all that surprised. "what ever happened to no nakey, oliver?"

"ollie got sad so he got nakey," oliver said.

"honey, you take your clothes off no matter what emotion you're feeling," josh laughed.

"but ollie got EXTRA sad with no daddies," the toddler babbled.

"aww, poor bubba. well daddies are back now so no getting sad," tyler said.

"YAAAAAAH!" oliver yelled, tugging at the elastic in his tiny shorts.

"no, bubba. no nakey, either," josh laughed.

"fhakakhdjallahd," ollie babbled, not happy with the rule.

"thanks again, dal!" tyler said, carrying oliver to the car and driving his family home.


"CHEERIOOOOOO FOR JISHJISHHHHH!" oliver yelled, taking a handful of the cereal and holding it up to josh's face.

"oh, no thank you, honey. that's your snack, not mine," josh said, knowing ollie probably hadn't had his hands washed in a while.

"CHEERIOOOOOOO FOR TYTY?" oliver asked, turning and facing his other father who was on the opposite side of him.

"no thank you, sweetheart," tyler giggled. "eat your snack."

"CHEERIOOOOOO FOR OLLIE!" the baby yelled with a grin, stuffing his face with the cereal.

tyler and josh both giggled, kissing the toddler's cheeks.

oh, how they missed their baby boy.

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