Le Chapter Ten

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A/N:  italicized means in a dream or just in the head in general.

You were wandering around in the forest you were in just earlier that day.  You were walking with Hero.  You smiled at him, and he smiled back.  Everything was so calm and peaceful.

"I have to tell you something, Y/N,"  He says. 

"Yeah, Hero?"  You say, turning to him.  When you turn to him, the sky suddenly blackens and you reallize you are alone in the woods, which are no longer peaceful, but straight out of a horror movie.

"Hero?"  You call out, looking around  for Hero.  "Hero!"  You yell.  Yu turn around, seeing Hero standing behind you, but he looked different.  Instead of the arrogant, but caring man you loved, he was almost menacing.  "Are you okay?"  He doesn't respond, just smiles creepily as he approaches you slowly.  You take step back and bump into something.  You trn around and it's Herobrine.  You gasp and jump back. 

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, it's so cute that you think I love you.  I don't love you, I never have, and I never will .  The only reason I brought you here was to use you against my enemies, just go look in that book I was reading the other. day.  You'll find some interesting information in there, I'm sure," 

"What?"  You choked out, the tears cascading down your face.  Herobrine just laughs loudly as you fell to the ground, sobbing. 

You launched up in bed, gasping for breath.  This caused Herobrine to wake up as well.

"I'm up, I'm up!"  He says.  As soon as you see him, you start crying.  You wrap your arms around him, crying into his chest.  "Y/N, what's wrong?"  You tried to stop crying, but you couldn't.

"You had a bad dream?"  He said.  You nodded. 

"I'm so sorry about that."  He gently pushes you away so he can look at your face.  He wipes away your tears.  "How aobut we talk about it over breakfast when you calm down, okay?"  You nod.  "Alright, see you in a minute,"  Hero exits the room, leaving you alone.  You change into your normal clothes and head to the kitchen. 

You entered the kitchen, finding Hero sitting at the table, waiting for you.  A servant came and brought you two some pancakes.

"Hey, you doing better?"

"A little,"  You take your seat at the table. 

"So, I was wondering... last night, did Steve touch you at all?"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Did you feel a sharp pain when he did?"


"That's not good."

"And why is that?"

"Because he has... I don't know how to explain it, but he can put thoughts in your head.  For example, he put that dream in your mind, probably to get you to not trust me."

You can't trust him a voice says in your head.

"I see, is there anything I can do?"

"I'm not sure, but I'll look in the library later today,"

"Alright,"  You finished your pancakes. 

"Anyway, I've got some things to take care of, so I'll see you in a couple hours,"

"Okay, sweetie," You say.  Hero gives you a quick kiss and then leaves the room. 

You wanted to trust him, but that dream... you couldn't help but feel suspicious.

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