Chapter 10: Thanksgiving

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Thursday, November 27

Later that week it was Thanksgiving. Everyone, including their parents, decided to meet up at Jake's house since the Pitts' dining room was HUGE. In total, there were nine parents (Andy's parents, Ashley's parents, Jinxx's mom, Jake's parents, and CC's parents.). The girls, the guys, Jake's little sister, and Jinxx's little sister. The parents were all on one side of the table and the teens (plus two little kids) were on the other. Starting from the far left was CC, Kelly, Ashley, Lizzie, Jinxx, Sammi, Andy, Carolyn, Jake, Rachel, Amanda (Jake's sister), and Jamie (Jinxx's sister). Andy's dog Copper was on the floor with his food bowl.

They each took turns saying what they were thankful for. The parents were mainly that there family was good and happy. Jake's was for pizza (which gained an eye roll from the guys and Rachel, and giggles from the other girls), Ashley's was his lucky bass, Jinxx's was that Sammi survived that accident during the spring (which gained an “Aww” from the girls and earned Jinxx a kiss from Sammi), and CC's was that Carolyn was okay and away from her crazy dad. Then it was Carolyn's turn.

“So many things that I'm thankful for... First not dying from cancer, and second for my dad being gone. Thanks to Andy.” she smiled at him. “Oh and the other guys,” she blushed. And looked down and felt his cheeks go a bit pink. He was pretty sure his parents noticed and thought there was probably something going on with him and Carolyn. “And for uncle David and aunt Cecilia for taking me in.”

Then it was Andy's turn. “I'm thankful for actually surviving for almost 18 years. I'm thankful for Batman, my friends, family, and that I was able to be there that night Carolyn needed someone.” he said.

“Now let’s eat!” Jake said and everyone dug into the food. There were twenty-one people there so Jake's mom cooked three turkeys. Andy's mom brought the pumpkin pie, Jinxx's mom brought mashed potatoes, Ashley's mom brought homemade bread, and CC's mom brought gravy.

After they ate, the guys set up their instruments in the den. They were going to play a few songs for their friends and families. Some were new ones that they haven't heard.

“So we were going to play this song Andy was writing...” Ashley began.

“But he hasn't finished it.” Jinxx finished.  

“I told you I just need the second verse.” Andy said defensively. “But anyway, here are some new songs we're gonna record on our album. This first one you guys have heard, but we completely changed it. It’s called We Stitch These Wounds.”

The guys started playing the intro on their instruments.

You kissed the lips of evil,
Two months is all the same.
Begged for this man’s approval.
Pray to die in vain.

Sit down with thoughts alone now,
With blood these lyrics came.
our words can eat right through me,
eath could hear my shame.

The tears we've cried, this love has died.
You're by yourself with me tonight.
It's what we hide with every lie.
And stitch these wounds with me tonight.

I'll think of it each time I touch you,
Or every time I hear his name.
These walls will never crumble,
Here's our cause to blame.

Sit down with thoughts alone now,
With blood these lyrics came.
Your words can eat right through me,
Death could hear my shame.

The tears we've cried, this love has died.
You're by yourself with me tonight.
It's what we hide with every lie.
And stitch these wounds with me tonight.

Liar, liar, liar, oh!

The tears we've cried, this love has died.
You're by yourself with me tonight.
It's what we hide with every lie.
And stitch these wounds with me tonight.

Liar, liar, liar!

The parents, girls, and kids applauded and they went on to the next song, Sweet Blasphemy. Although instead of singing the bridge, Andy spoke it.

We are young and we are strong.
Through strength in self we’ve become
Something more than they can be.
This is our sweet blasphemy.

When they were done, they sat down and started talking more about the songs they were going to have on their album.

“So far we have Knives and Pens, an acoustic version of Knives and Pens, Never Give In, Perfect Weapon, Sweet Blasphemy, and We Stitch These Wounds.” Jake said.

“We need six more songs for us to get an album released.” Ashley said.

“And I'm in the process of writing one which still doesn't have a title.”

“Can we hear part of it?” Carolyn asked.

“No way. I'm not playing it until I have it finished. I'll have it by Christmas. I promise.” Andy said.

“Dude, you're killing us!” CC said and dropped his head in Kelly's lap. Kelly patted his head.

“Haha, we get to hear him play what he was for it every day!” Andy's dad, Chris, said being a bit immature about it.

“And technically we only need four more songs. CC and I are changing the lyrics to Alive and Burning so now the song is called All Your Hate.” Andy pointed out.

“And we're changing the lyrics to Funeral in Flames so now it’s called Beautiful Remains.” Ashley said.

“All because he took those lyrics and called them his.” Andy spat, refusing to say the name of his old band member who took Alive and Burning and Funeral in Flames. Sure, he liked the new lyrics better, but it really took him a while to change them.

“We'll get the other songs by the time we graduate. That's only in like... six more months.” Jake said.

“The song you're working on better be worth the wait, Andy Six, or I'll personally chop off all of your hair.” CC joked. 

Andy gulped. Sure, he knew CC was joking, but no one except for him (and his mom) touched the hair.


I loved that ending part. So anyway, next chapter is (I think) the Winter Dance! What will happen? O.o Wait... I already know! And you don't!

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-Zaira :) <3

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