Chapter 3

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              K⃞INGSMAN          ____________________

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Eggsy POV

After we left the pub my hand still tingles from holding Blaise's hand speaking of her, her real name is Raebena? I still need to question more about her it seems that those two snobs seemed a little two close to her I mean facial wise like Julia has blue eyes, same head shape, mouth maybe it's just a coincidence.

I shrugged my hands into my pocket walking home thinking about what just happened today man I have got to get me one of those umbrellas I climbed the stairs to my house and opened the door to find my mother crying.

"Eggsy don't come in deans at it again" she cried but she was pushed back by Dean, he pinned me to the wall with mad eyes face as red as blood

"No, please, don't hurt him!" Michelle yelled

"Fuck off! Get the fuck away with ya!" I yelled trying to fight against his grip

"Shut the fuck up!Who was with you in that fucking pub?I want to know the name of the two geezers and the girl you was with" he yelled

"I wasn't with no one!" I yelled

"Who was it?" He snarled

" I don't know what you're on about" I said trying not to put them in danger

"Who was it?".

"I don't know who you're fucking on about!" I yelled wincing

"Fucking tell me there names!" Dean insisted applying more pressure to my neck.

"I don't know who you're fucking on about!" I yelled

"You listen to me! I want to know who you was within that pub. Do you understand?I want to know his fucking name! Because, I swear,I'll rip your head off. Tell me!" He yelled holding a cleaver up to my head I closed my eyes and yelled.

"I don't know what you're fucking on about!" I said still not telling him

"Just tell him, Eggsy!" Mum yelled

"Fuck off! Fuck off, Michelle!" Dean yelled at her which she started to cry

"I could kill you right now..." he said bring the knife towards my neck

"And no one in the whole world will know " he continues

"But I would.I have enough evidence on your have you locked up-for the rest of your life...Mr. Dean Anthony Baker" a familiar voice rang out it belonged to Harry.

"What the fuck?"Dean said

"So I suggest you leave the boy alone...or I shall be forced to deliver it to the appropriate authorities.Eggsy, meet me at the tailor I told you about" Harry said

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