"Dear Miss Giulia Molinari,
the present academic commission, considering your curriculum of studies and evaluated also your graduation thesis, attributes to your final degree full marks with honours. Acting under the authority given me by the Magnificent Rector of this university I proclaim you graduated in economics."
Then he bowed smiling, also taking off his hat, finally:
"With so many compliments and good luck for a professional future equally shining."
The next gestures, well, I imagined them so many nights in those years on the way; nothing to do with the celebration of a supposed triumph, rather the expression of a sincere gratitude which could have never fully expressed using just words.
When I turned in my ears there was still an applause but the real reward was elsewhere.
I looked immediately for mum and I smiled at her.
Recently even her ice became again spring, in that short moment she gave me some rare noble drops.
I looked also for grandma, in turmoil, then Sandro.
Then my friends. Amy mahogany hair dye with mascara mixed to tears, Sam with Astrid, also Claudia.
At the bottom of the room a sulky Miguel, next to him the man having the talent to transform every unforeseen into something more bearable, even supreme leader's inexplicable bad temper, despite the few hours separating him from the most exciting day of his life, even before the overtaking of the annual budget.
When the doors of the auditorium opened to leave room to the next candidate it was like crossing the boundary of a new life, not easier, but more exposed to elements until to make me feel alive as never before.
Unmistakable signal was what happened immediately after:
"I didn't like your presentation Giulia. He seemed to me you were running, to go where? You didn't demonstrate neither mastery of the topic, nor sentiment. If Antonella or Marco did public speaking in such a way we wouldn't sell even an empty floppy disk. We have a lot of work to do since the next week."
"All right Miguel, and thank you for coming."
"Take this, I wrote the name of some interesting guys who discussed the thesis before you, better. Contact them as soon as possible for a job interview, we'll try them with the classical internship then we'll see."
"All right, I'll do it immediately."
Meanwhile someone else close to him held back thoughts and feelings behind lush irises.
Miguel quickly left, but not before to meet my female parents, as happened with Sandro during the last Saturday, the real reason why he was there, at least so he declared when he surprised me that morning in the company of his deputy.
The encounter with Lucia destabilized him more than expected, gasping in front of that mix of beauty, pride and humble temper; at the end of their conversation he took the opportunity to introduce her, in my place and without asking me before, to the new role already accepted. She listened without thanking him, even without congratulating me; I was used to all that, while Miguel perhaps got disappointed.
For Marco it wasn't easy with her too, especially when Lucia, once all the curious left, unexpectedly took him aside and timidly invited him to join the private celebrations planned for that same evening, dinner out offered by Sandro.
When he came back to me he was still trying to recover.
"Was I brava?"
Having to choose, I preferred to introduce mum to my private life choices before professional ones, however avant-garde style; actually Sandro had already done the most of the work in my place, exactly like Miguel with the spontaneous presentation of my new job that same day. She didn't comment, as usual, but even if she didn't openly reveal her disappointment for the lack of a charming prince around, her face however meant 'We'll see'.
"So then?" I asked him again.
Nothing, my question remained open.
Not bad, in his face I read bravissima with all the 's' of the world.
Then, as always, he helped me to put everything in order after the chaos:
"So, what will you remember more about this beautiful day Genius Heidi?"
"No offense, mum's look."
"No offense, the same for me."
The End
ChickLitOn the eve of her first working day, about herself she mainly knows the goals, to emerge, and the flaws: geek and hard worker, rigid and perfectionist, angry and proud, short-sighted and naive, poor but not selfish, anything but stupid, indulgent wi...