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 Fili pulled me along as we went down the impossibly tall Stairway . After what felt like forever following around the stairways . Trying to be quiest as possible though that was hard for dwarfs they wore such large clanky boots .

Both Bilbo and I came from hobbit so we were both naturally sneaky and lite footed . We were never to loud with our steps . Fili still held my hand when we took out last step and passed a couple of elfs who were passed out from what looked like to much to drink. Weren't they guard were they allowed to drink on duty . They must be very stupid to leave prisoners un attended . But hey their Dumb choices has helpe us so who am I to complain.

"this way ." My brother ordered us to follow close and slow past them .

"Can you believe this were in the cellars ." Whisper shouted Kili .

"You were supposed to be leading us out , Not further in!" Bofur said to my brother harshly.

"I know what I am doing ." My brother defended .

"Just trust him ." I spoke as Bofur shushed my brother for talking to loud.

I followed Fili past my brother We were now standng next to empty barrels . My brother looked to us all and spoke his next command.

"Alright , Climb into the barrels quickly." He said to us all make me look to him in disbelief now .

"Are you mad ?" Dwalin whispered .

"Yeah what his said brother." I said now in a hushed tone .

"They'll find us . " Dwalin stated.

"No they won't, I promise you." He looked to me than the others . "Please , please. You must trust me . " He urged desperately.

The dwarfs started to speak to eachother on what to do until thorin spoke suddenly in a firm voice . " Do as he says."

Everyone started to climb into the barrels all the dwarf now scrunched . I was the last standing outside the barrels . I looked to Bilbo in worry at how safe and smart this idea was .

"I promise to you Mira with everything in me it will be fine get into Fili's Barrel ." He Implored to me .

"You heard him lass." Dwalin spoke from a barrel .

"come now love." Fili said in worry I would be caught if i stood here any longer .

I heard every single dwarf sigh when I motioned for Bilbo to help me climb in . I was now completely plastered to my lover in his barrel. I cleared my throat when I felt his now arousal pressing into my hip .

"This is not the time Fili." I heard him groan when my voice whispered by his ear .

I also did not miss a couple snickers from the other dwarfs .

He said something in his language which i guesed to be a curse of somesort . "How can when I am just a layer away from ravishing you." He threatened . Saying that givin the chance that he would . I felt his lips graze my neck .

"Brother settle yourself . You can claim your woman when we are free , preferably far away from me and the rest of us . " He whispered .

I head Bofur speak to my brother now . "What do we do now ." I heard the clutter meaning the dwarfs were now looking to him in guidance .

"Hold you breathe." he stated walk in over to a stick that was pointing out of the ground He leaned on it and we began to roll in the barrels . I clung tighter if possible to Fili now holding my breathe as I pressed face in to his neck .

unexpected love sequelWhere stories live. Discover now