You and your best friend Harry of 3 years were studying. Being third year students at Hogwarts you studied together. Being in the same house helped you as well. You and him were currently working on your charms homework. You and him were reading.
"Y/n do we have to study right now?"
"Yes Harry."
"But Y/n." He whined.
"Harry we have to study."
"We don't have to study."
"Harry yes we do."
"Please Y/n." He was begging you now. You sat up and hit him in the back of the head. He pouted at you. "Fine." He mumbled. You two returned to reading and kept glancing over at you. His pupils were diated everytime he looked at you. (Went all Sherlock on this) You finished reading and looked at him. "What?"
"The twins and I found this book of realy weird spells, perfect for pranks." You said as you pulled a book out of your bag. His eyes lit up with excitment.
"Oh you are brilliant!" He yelled and hugged you tightly. You giggled and hugged him back. As you pulled back you both noticed the light pink blush on eachothers cheeks. To be honest you both fancied each other, a lot. He plucked the book from your hands and opened it up to a random page. "This one!" He said pointing at a firecracker spell.
"Good choice!" You smied at him from behind him.
"So, what does it do?" He asked, somewhat sarcastically. You face palmed and sighed while chuckling.
"It sends a firecracker towards your target. But you have to be very, very, accurate."
"What happens if you don't?"
"Well, then you have a small fire on your hands."
"Oh. I guess you should help me then. You're more accurate than I am."
"I guess I will." You sigh happilly. You moved to get up and your face was inches from his. If your faces were any closer you'd be kissing. You both wished that you were kissing.
You moved back quickly. Not wanting to make it awjward. You pulled up an old book of yours and placed it upright on a table. Harry stood up as you prepared his book target. "Am I aiming for your book?" He asked.
"Why else would I have set it up to look like a target?" You replied.
"True true very true."
You walked behind Harry and turned him sideways. "You ready?"
He raised his arm and pointed his wand as close to the target as he could. Not! He purposly aimed away from the target to get your help. You put your arm against his and you couldn't help but press your body to his. You corrected his aim and he hit the target.
He smiled as he turned. He pulled you close and kissed you passionatly. "Oh you don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He smiled after he pulled away to breathe."
You kissed him again. You pulled back, breathing heavily. "Oh I'm pretty sure I've wanted to do it for just as long."
If one more person gets mad or is being rude because I said you're a Gryffindor I will delete your comments and possibly this one shot in general. YOU ARE A GRYFFINDOR BECAUSE IT MADE IT EASIER. If that wasn't your intention then I'm sorry but I find it rude. I don't know any of you and as far as I'm concerned you can't go into a different house from the one you were sorted into. So please, suck it up and deal with it.