49 7 11


Y r u texting me when I'm literally in the room next to urs

'Cause I can't be bothered to get up and talk to you.

I'm surprised ur bothered to talk to me at all

Well, I am.

Ur mom seems fine y do u hate her

This again? I told you not to ask me personal questions. Besides, you only have two left because you asked me to call my mom half an hour ago.

That doesn't count because you had to do it anyways. Besides, my 9th question for u is why is your room such bright colours

Because I like bright colours? Breaking those gender roles.

Right. And my last question is why r u scared to trust me

I am not. I just....every time I open up it hurts.

But u can trust me. You know that right

Sorry, you have run out of questions. Please press one to add more questions.


Sorry, you won't be offered more questions as you have no credit card attached.

Isn't ur ass jealous of all that shit that comes out of ur mouth? U r so annoying 

I'm texting, not talking, so ha. And trust me when I say this, so are you.

Ugh. Tomorrow's a Sunday right

Yes. Why, you got plans?

More like go and play a game.

What?! Then why are you here?

Chillax, dude. It's a practice game the real game is in one week.

Cool. Who is it against?


Wonderful. So I am supposed to root for my own school or the school that's kinda housing me at the moment?

Your choice. I don't care. But don't backpedal when we win

Like you're ever gonna win.

Well I am. I bet u 10$ that we will win

You're on.

Fine then. See you tomorrow. I wanna sleep

Me too. Be prepared to lose next week.

Shut up. You aren't even playing



~ ̄▽ ̄~

Is the emoji movie influencing us

Possibly. I can't take my hands off the keyboard. Gotta....press.....that smile.....

Oh Lord help me and him

(^o^)/ Good night.

Gn ttyl


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