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Natalie rolled her eyes as the emoji did some other stupid thing and munched on her popcorn.

Isaac nudged her. "Please, tell me this is over. I can't handle this bullshit anymore."

Natalie smirked. "Whose idea was it to watch the emoji movie?"

Isaac looked over at Zack, who was watching the movie and worshipping it, a huge grin on his face. "His."

Glancing at Bradley, she saw that he was also watching the screen intently, while Andrew was sleeping comfortably in his seat. Natalie grabbed her coat of her lap and shoved the popcorn towards Bradley. "Let's leave while we can."

"Oh, thank god," Isaac mumbled as he said something to Zack. Zack nodded and mumbled something back and they left the theatre. When they were outside, both of them heaved a sigh.

"That is pure crap. What'd you tell Zack?" She asked and pulled on her coat.

"I told him that we were leaving because the moive was horrible and told him to call us before they leave. He then muttered that the movie is the best thing in the world."

"Yeah," Natalie snorted. "Tell him to keep on believing that."

"I know, right? So, what do you want to do? Besides, watching the movie."

"Obviously. I don't know. There isn't much to do in a mall besides shopping."

Isaac nodded. "Let's shop. How much do you have on you right now?"

"Wait, you don't mind shopping?"

Isaac gave her a funny look. "What do you mean?"

She shrugged. "It's just that all the boys I know hate shopping."

Isaac smiled and shook his head. "I don't care. It's fine."

Natalie nodded, impressed. "I have forty bucks. Let's go. I could get some food."

As they walked beside each other, she couldn't help but think over Isaac's friendship with the boys. They were all so different, yet they rarely argued when they were together. It had been almost two months since they were all friends but they hadn't fought at all.

Felicity and Natalie fought a lot, but the most serious fight had lasted for only a week over some stupid drink. Voicing her thoughts, she asked, "How'd you all become friends?"

Isaac gave her questioning look. "Who? Oh, you mean Bradley and all. You know, that should count as your third question."

"Does that mean that all the questions we have asked before would add up to 21 somehow?"

He thought for a moment and shrugged. "That's true. Let's just give each other 10 more questions. That way it would be fair and we wouldn't have to worry about it."

"Okay. Let's finish them while we can."

He nodded. "Back to your first question now. Bradley and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We were neighbours till he moved away, in first grade, to a bigger house. I met Zack in fourth and I never would have even talked to him if we hadn't been sitting next to each other. As for Andrew, we met before ninth grade started. He used to come to Starbucks almost every week during the summer and I used to work there for fun. We kinda just became friends over the summer."

Natalie nodded, thinking. "Wow. I never thought that you four would even look at each other in the hallways if you didn't know each other before."

"We wouldn't have, but..," he smiled and trailed off. "Anyways, my question. How'd you and Felicity become friends?"

"Fair enough. We met in 6th grade because of cheerleading and basketball and we've been friends ever since."

They stopped in front of a store selling chocolate. "Let's go inside," he said, shoving the door open. The smell of chocolate wafted through the air and big sniff confirmed that she was in heaven. "So, why do you like basketball?"

Natalie pointed at a sample and the employee handed it to her. Licking her finger, she said, "It's fun, makes me happy and releases stored up energy. Moving on, you said you hate your mother but you used to work at Starbucks. Why is that?"

Isaac frowned. "There was a fight shortly after that....but this is a personal question. We agreed no personal questions."

It was Natalie's turn to frown. "We have known each other for almost two months. Do you still not trust me?"

"That's your third question," he said with a chuckle. "And it's not about trust. I just don't want to burden you with knowledge you don't need to know."

"Why are you so adamant?"

"I'm not!" He said, gritting his teeth. "I told you. I can't tell you. I don't want to tell you. That's it." He turned to the employee and bought some chocolate while Natalie threw away the plastic plate and stood outside. He came out a minute later, sighing. "L-"

"Whatever happened inside, stays inside," Natalie interrupted.

"You only have six questions left while I have eight," Isaac pointed out. "No personal questions."

Natalie nodded, glaring at the floor.

He gave a sad smile. "Let me start. Have you ever eaten so many free samples that the mall people kicked you out?"

"In my defense," Natalie started. "I was hungrier than starving lions."

"Right. Is there a reason you don't talk to Andrew much?"

Natalie blushed and gave out a frustrated sigh. "I had to come up with this game!"

"You didn't answer my question," Isaac said, arching an eyebrow.

"Well....I don't know why. He's just so quiet and mysterious. It creeps me out."

"You should try talking to him. I don't want to be the one to say this but if you haven't noticed by now he has an alcohol problem. He's currently three months sober, but I have a feeling that he's lying."

"I've noticed but I don't think me talking will do anything. I mean y'all talk to him everyday."

"Maybe if he sees that a third person has noticed his problem, he'll be forced to stop."


He smiled. "Okay, let's take a break while the questions are at par and have some food. I'm starving."

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