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"A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men."

- Unknown

As women, our fathers are our first introduction of the opposite sex. They set the bar for what we will seek in the future as our partner. Whether your father was an active and positive role in your childhood or an absent and negative role - typically, he determines the men you will look for.

And that's what you will see with the main character of this story.

In my twenty-seven years of life experience, this has been the case with many relationships that I know. This is what has led me to write this story. This isn't going to be a story about breaking the cycle or overcoming a shitty childhood.

No, this is going to be a story about how history always seems to repeat itself. It's going to be about a girl who marries a man who is identical to her father. It's going to show how important our fathers are in our lives. It's going to show how a good father/daughter relationship plays an important part in building a strong and independent woman.

And let's not forget how important our mothers are too.

"All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy."

- Oscar Wilde

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