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Sabrina woke up to the sun hitting her face. She stretched a little and she felt something fall into her lap. She looked down and saw that it was Daryl's wing vest. She stood up slowly with Daryl's vest in her hand. She winced when she stretched again.

"Ya didn't have ta stay out 'ere with me last night."

"I wanted to." She handed the vest over and Daryl put it back on.

"C'mon, the others are waitin' inside." He said and started walking with her by his side. "Ya better keep last night b'tween ya 'nd me."

"I didn't plan on telling them Daryl."

Daryl opened the door for her and the both of them went inside. When they went into the common area there was a chorus of good mornings.

"Sabrina, could you take Judith for a second?"

"Sure." She said taking the baby from Beth as the blonde girl went back to the cell block.

Before she could adjust Judith to a comfortable position, the baby was swooped from her arms.

"There's liddle Ass-Kicker."

"Daryl, be careful. She's got an upset stomach." Sabrina warned so he wouldn't get barfed on.

"Why ya go' an upset stomach, sweetheart?" He asked holding Judith close.

Sabrina could feel her insides melt. She still wanted to know how a badass hunter was mean one minute and with a flip of a switch he was gentle and caring the next. Daryl handed the baby back to her before getting a bowl of oatmeal from Carol. Sabrina went up to Carol to get some oatmeal too.

"Did you sleep good?"

"I slept fine but my back hates how I slept though." She said with a chuckle.

Beth soon came back and took Judith. "Thank you, Sabrina."

"It's no problem Beth."

Sabrina ate quickly while Rick instructed everyone on what was going to happen. The others went on to do what they needed to do. Once she was done eating, she cleaned the bowls quickly before helping Hershel with getting a medical bag together.


"Check." She said to Hershel.

"Rubbing Alcohol?"


"Gauze pads?"


"I think that's it." Hershel said zipping the black backpack up.

"Alright. I'll take it out to the vehicle."

She got up and hugged Hershel before taking the bag out to the car. When Sabrina got it in the car she saw Carol coming from 'Daryl's prison area'. Basically that's where he parked his motorcycle and that's where him and her slept last night. She headed that way and when she got there she leaned up against the red brick wall, watching him pack up his motorcycle. Daryl stood up and looked over at her.

"Ya gonna stand over there or are ya comin' over 'ere?"

Sabrina pushed herself off the wall and went to stand next to him. "Daryl, please be careful."

"I'll try." He said fastening up his bike pouch.

"I'm being serious."

"I know 'nd I said I'll try." He snapped looking at her.

She flinched a little as he snapped at her. Daryl rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh.

"Sorry, jus' go' a lot on my mind."

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