A Lost Soul

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            Run all you want girl. He shall catch you one day. Maybe not in this life not but maybe the next you maybe the one in a thousands from today. He feeds off his kills as he hunts for you. If he is to catch you. Be sure you're not a  virgin or he will grow stronger with your blood on him. You live by his sides till Death comes for your soul. That's if he hasn't taken it from yet.

          He will never die long as you keep going back after death. He breathes for power and death. He likes the taste of human souls. Loves the sight of their blood staining his skin. But what he finds more dearing then souls and blood is you, my girl. He will do anything to catch you. He wants you for him and only him. Anyone every felt for his will kill them with no mercy.

         You can't kill him girl. You maybe able to a lay scratch on him but that will be from digging your nails into his skins as you two make love and he claims once and for all.

          So run girl. Go run he is coming...

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