Parenting Au!

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[You wanted another Parent AU, right? That's what you said? Alright loves alright <3]

Evan let out a gasp as the bullet split through him, looking in shock at Jared who instantly dropped the gun and began to run over before he was ushered away.


Jeremy burst through hospital doors, looking around wildly, "Where is my son!?" His heart heat rapidly , one of the nurses rushing over to him.

"Mr.Heere, come in, they brought him in a half an hour ago- he lost a lot of blood-"

"Is he alive!?" Jeremy could feel his voice crack as he felt like his heart just might burst.

"Yes- but you have to understand, the bullet entered just above his hip and lodged him in his left arm-" The nurse sighed as he was once again interrupted.

"Can I see him- please?" Jeremy could feel a warm tear trickle down his cheek in anticipation.

The nurse nodded with a frown, glancing back at the hospital room that Evan attended, "-I'm doing everything I can- but the wound was already infected when he arrived." He glanced down at his feet, stepping aside to let Jeremy in.

Jeremy rushed towards the hospital room door, swinging it open and stopping at the sight that lay before him. He felt as if something was choking him as he saw his son, eyes half lidded, arm blistering, and red from the what he could tell, white bandages covering up the worst parts of it.

Beads of sweat were forming along Evan's brow- but a small smile on his face nonetheless.

Jeremy collapsed at the side of his son's bed, pressing a comforting hand to his calf, "Evan..."

"Papa..." Evan's eyes glowed with slight happiness at the sight of his father, he then sighed, wincing at the pain that shocked his body, "...I did exactly as you said, Papa, I held my head up high..." Evan  motioned his head backwards, squeezing his eyes shut at the effort and letting out a few gasps.

"I know, I know, sh, I know I know." Jeremy forced a smile for Evan, stroking his hand along his forehead.

"I-" Evan pressed his head deep into the pillow in defeat.

"I know, you did everything just right." Jeremy nodded reassuringly, patting his son's leg reassuringly.

"Even before we got to ten...I was aimin' for the sky-" He motioned with his hand a gun out of his thumb and index finger up in the air, wincing as the bullet shifted under his skin, "I was aimin' for the sky-"

Jeremy now had a steady flow of tears that were streaming down his cheeks, "I know, I know, sh, I know I know-"

"I was aimin' for the sky-" Evan choked out and flopped his arm delicately to his side, letting out a small cry as the pain flooded it.

"I know, save your strength and stay ali~ive-" Jeremy pressed a gentle kiss to Evan's side before hearing the door slam open, whipping around to see none other than, "-Michael!" Jeremy gasped out, his cheeks still stained from fresh tears.

"Is he breathing- is he going to survive this!?" Michael shrieked as he ran over to his son's other side, holding Evan's good hand and looking him up and down with wide eyes, then glaring over at Jeremy, "Who did this, Jeremiah- did you know!?-"

Evan gave a gentle squeeze back to Michael's hand, alerting him and sending his loving brown-eyes over to the crippled boy, "Dad...I'm so sorry, for forgetting what you taught me-"

"My son." Michael pressed a tender kiss to Evan's hand.

"We played Video games..." Evan smiled.

"I taught you AOTP..."

"You would put your thumbs on mine..." Evan nodded, blinking away the gathered moisture at the corners of his eyes.

"You changed the combo 'ttacks every time..." Michael smiled back, a wave of tears escaping.

"But I would always fix the crime-" Evan grinned weakly.

"Sh, I know, I know." Michael whispered, pressing Evan's good hand to his face.

"I would always fix the crime-" Evan choked out.

Michael kept his son's hand up to his face, "I know I know..." He let out a shaky breath, "Find the bad guy, push him aside..."

"F-find the bad guy, fish him aside." Evan chuckled.

"Then move on forward with your dads at your side." Michael smiled encouragingly.

"Th-then m-move on forward with your d-dads at your side." Evan gasped out.

"It's a three-player game-" Michael froze as Evan's hand went limp against his cheek, "I-it's three-player g-game..." Michael's voice broke as he saw Jeremy turn away with his hands over his face.

"Th-three player?" Michael looked at his son with round eyes.

Jeremy s squeezed his eyes shut as he heard Michael let out an ear splitting scream.

[Credits to the lyrics for Stay Alive go the Hamilton: An American Musical]

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