Time to face facts

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The next day I slowly opened my VERY red eyes as I slowly sat up. I looked up at dad to see he was still knocked out. I climbed onto his chest. "Daddy wake up. Please." I whimpered. Dad didn't open his optics. I scrambled down to his spark to see it still glowing. I gave a breath of relief. I climbed back up to dad's upper chest. "Daddy please." I cried hugging his faceplates tightly. I couldn't lose him. He's the one who saved me. He raised me, taught me how to fight kept me safe. He was my world. I sobbed hugging dad's faceplates tightly. He was my father. But he was so much more then that. I loved him more then words could ever say. If I lost him.... I don't know if I could go on. the cell door slid open as I turned. Silas came in. "Now I'm going to give you another chance. Stay here and die with this bot or come with me." He smirks as I frown. "I'll never leave my father. Even in death I won't leave him because I'll die with him." I say turning back to my father. I could hear him growl in frustration as he stormed out. "I'll never leave you. I promise daddy." I whispered. I snuggled under dad's armor for warmth as I shivered. "That tickles." Came a soft voice. I looked up and smiled. I climbed out of dad's armor and hugged his face plates tightly. "I thought I lost you you daddy." I whispered as dad chuckled weakly. "No not yet" dad smiled as tears left my eyes. "I don't want to lose you daddy." I sobbed. Dad shushed me and weakly stroked my hair. "I'm only hanging on for you." Dad whispered as I cried. I looked up and gently kissed dad's faceplates. "I won't leave you daddy. Even if you...." I trailed off tears chocking my voice. "Shhh princess." Dad whispered rubbing my back with his talon. I hugged his faceplates tightly not wanting to let go I fear I'd lose him right there. I clutched his amor tightly as the cell door slid open. "Lats chance. Come with me and live or you both die." He says crossing his arms. "Never. I will never leave my father for a pit spawn like you." I growled as dad weakly chuckled. He growled and stormed out. I turned back to dad. "It's time to face facts princess." Dad says leaning his head back. "No." I sobbed. "I'm sorry princess. The odds are I'll be gone before rescue come if it comes. I'm so sorry." Dad says as I sobbed. " no daddy. You need to hang on. Please." I cry as dad groans. "I'm sorry princess. Even if. I'll never leave you. I promise." Dad whispers as I clutch his amor tighter. "I don't want to lose you. I'm not ready." I sobbed as dad strokes my hair. "I know princess. I know." Dad shushed. "You can't go. What about Starscream and me? We can't lose you. Starscream may never say it but he loves you dad. More then you know." I say as dad gives a small smile. "I know princess. I know." Dad coughs as I desperately try to think. "Please daddy just hang on a bit longer." I cried as dad coughed harder. "I'll try only for you princess." Dad whispered as I hugged him tightly. I started to sing a song to take dad's mind off the pain. m.youtube.com/watch?v=koJlIGDImiU

tears left my eyes as dad closed his optics. I could tell that he was just knocked out but then it really hit me. I was going to lose him. I sobbed harder then I ever had before. I clutched my fathers armor tightly before blacking out.

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