Chapter 1: John

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Somehow the usual open feel of the high-ceiling room had become rather crowded tonight, and it wasn't for the presence of more workers either. Other than having both myself and my commanding officer on duty at once, the staff was its typical collective. Men and women in uniform huddled about steel desks neatly arranged around the perimeter and then in rows through the center of the tiled floor.

Their attention was on their individual computer monitors with minimal spoken dialogue. My own focus was on the screen before me where the tiny white light causing all the fuss shone. It was surely the intensity of everyone's mindset in determining its reason which was spawning my awareness of all surroundings and therefore creating this perception of being cramped.

"It looks like it's heading for the deserts in New Mexico," I informed. "We can't pinpoint its exact trajectory yet, but that is still within our jurisdiction, so we can handle this personally."

I looked over at the colonel,letting his demeanor soak into my senses. The older man stood only a few feet away, his weight shifted onto one foot and hands straight against his side as he pursed his lips and stared blankly at my presentation.

I knew how easily one could upset him if he felt intimidated. He disliked having his authority questioned and working with him for nearly ten years had taught me an extreme use of tact. After a brief pause without him moving or saying anything, I noted that he was probably waiting for me to continue, so I did.

"If the object stays at its current speed, it will reach the surface within the next two hours.Right here," I stepped a pace to the left and rested my finger on another monitor, "The computer has calculated the time and just below," moving my finger, "Are the coordinates for its approximate landing destination; granted that it doesn't somehow change course."

I let another few moments pass while my superior's brain adjusted to the information. In all my memory of him, I believe this was the longest he had ever been quiet.Not that he was talkative by any means, but generally when there was a call for action, he would always almost immediately have assessed the situation with orders for what was to be done.

Admittedly, it was a bit unsettling for me to see someone of his strength and accomplishment having such a lack of answers. I suppose it was just the thrill of my dream possibly becoming true that dulled my senses to the danger this ordeal might also bring. I had always been called an eccentric by my peers, yet after learning of that little light spotting its way through our system, had lifted a silent prayer they would no longer see me that way.

Although I wanted to sneak off for a second to call my wife, I first awaited orders, or a response of any kind really, from the colonel. She would be equally excited even though it wasn't actually allowed for any of us to disclose data to others, no matter our relationship. However, Connie had previously been a doctor and medical researcher working in the base and Col.Jean was fond of her...for the most part.

In fact, he had let her come tosee the station on more than one occasion after her transferelsewhere- something he could been given a lot of grief for.Fortunately, he knew enough people to keep himself clean. In thosecases, it was especially nice to consider him a friend whether or not he shared our enthusiasm for extraterrestrial life.

I couldn't say he was always pleasant or agreeable and he had made his share of decisions with which I didn't agree. Nonetheless, he did his job well and his highers favored him greatly for it. I should never call him evil,only a man with a mission and a strict way of thinking, to put it kindly.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I looked up at the still mildly frozen form beside me. He moved his arm a few inches to rest it on the machine in front of him as his eyes shifted up from the screen to me. He remained there for an uncomfortably long amount of time before speaking, which had begun to make me feel fearful for the first time that evening.

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