ziam and larry stylinson chappie :P

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Hey guysss~ sup? vas appenin? omgg! cant wait till its summer woo >.< anyway heres an another chappie-hope you like it!


liam's p.o.v

i like going to the park it relaxes me ,it brings me out of trains and thoughts of worries and into a world that is carefree and something that i dont get to enjoy everday. i look ahead seeing kids running around playing laughing not giving a care in the world,oh how somehow i wish i can be a kid like that..dont get me wrong! but you know,im exauhsted living this celebrity life-plus,this...this...tension thats happening between me and zain,ugh! just tops it all off... i made my way over to a bench and sat down. i dunno how this place effects me,it just does.

{back home}

zain: *looks at the direction liam just left*

harry: soooo,whats the plan for today? usally daddy direction tells us that,no?

louis: i dunno guys,but liam seems stress today?like something is in his mind*looks at the others one by one*

niall: well,mabey we should take him to nandosss! and get'em a large meal with a drink! :D

zain: nialler,were not trying to cheer you up here,its LIAM were talking about!

*they all chukle*

harry: right,giys lets go find him and have some fun,and shake the stress out of him!

niall: and yeaaaa! And we can go to nandoos after ,yeaaaaaa budddy !

*this time they all chukle*

louis: right,lets get going hazza!

harry: right behind ya boo bear!

*they both hold hands and walk out*

zain: o-o....what the?

niall: i swear to god sometimes they gimme da creeps!

zain: haha! oh nialler! lets go,c'mon..

*they also get up and walk out*

harry: sooo?,where do you guys suppose where he went?

zain: liam, he ,um only goes to one place when he is stressed...the park..

louis: o0o0o seems like zayn here knows ALOT about liam~

zain: yea,bec im his best bud louis -_-

niall: were aall best buds!!! yeaaaa budddy!

louis: aww nialler,i just absoloutely love the 'yeaa buddy'!
harry: *glares at niall*
niall: *gives off a an innocent look*
luois: *sees harry giving niall a glare*
awww,hazza*stops and hugs him*
harry:*hugs him bacck*

niall: no p.d.a!! were in publick!

zain: *shakes his head* *walks ahead to the park and sees liam sitting their on the bench his hair blowing in the wind his body focused on something his eyes peaceful*
* i approached himand covers his eyes from hind i dunno what struck me their and then but i just stared at his lips ,his pink soft heart shaped lips*
*his hair ,his hands that touched mine softly wondering in curiousity*

liam: i was enjoying my peace time ,relaxing when suddenly something or someone coverd my eyes,i felt those hands,those hands...they feel soft, i want to hold them,i want to see this person,i want to feel this person more,i dont know what happend to me but somewhere deep inside me,my heart wished that this person,somehow, any miracle it would take it to happen,but this person to be no other than...than...zain malik,my bestfreind,my band mate, by bro...and possibly more..

louis:*sees them* guys,look!
harry:*looks over to ziam,smiles softly*
niall: wow,they look...so cute!

zain:*slowly snaps out of his gaze and smiles when liam touches his hands*
*removes his hands to reveal those beautifull,shinning crystal like blue orbs staring at them*
liam:*i looked up and see those chocalate brown eyes,how i felt myself drowning in them,loosing control,getting weak,NO liam ,cant loose it,i dont know why,but i shot up and hugged him tight*
zain:*smiles softly and wraps his arms around him tight* im here liam...i always will be..*strokes his hair*

louis: awwww....*holds harrys hand tighter*
harry: louis,your still holding my hand...*^^*
louis:*yanks him closer* got a problem,curly?*smirks*
harry:*hits his chest lightly*

niall!; GUYSSSSSS!!!!T.T I WANT A HUG TOOOO!!!!!yeaaa buddy!!

*they all laugh*


soory i took long  to update,but yea hope you guys like it ^^ and you gus know the drill :) atleast two votes ^^

and i hope im not boirng you guys ^^' love you guys~

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