Chapter Three

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Even though Sombra's got tiny little legs she still outpaces me in the few minutes we're walking. She keeps throwing glances over her shoulder at me, impatient. Like I can go any faster. I've begun to notice the pain in my foot more acutely now, and I can barely walk on either leg.

"Oi, wait up a moment, won't you?" I finally say, voice strained. "I ain't eaten in two days and I've been walking since nine this morning."

"Well, that's your fault, now isn't it?" she says.

Cheeky little bloitah. It's infuriating. If I didn't feel like I was about to die, I'd probably have laughed.

Sombra seems to regret it after a moment, though. "I'll make sure she feeds you," she says. "She's friends with the baker. She'll be able to snag something."

"And you won't tell her who I am?" I ask sharply.

"Of course not." There's a smile in her voice. "She may recognize you though."

I stop short, opening my mouth to say I don't want anything to do with this after all. But she goes on.

"If she does, I'll just tell her you're a kid I found on the side of the road and you were begging for help. And that I knew immediately that you had a heart of gold despite your rough and unattractive appearance."

Just goes to show how exhausted I am, that I don't even complain when she calls me unattractive.

Sombra helps me up the step to the house, and though I protest at first I'm actually quite grateful. Hopefully by the end of tonight I won't owe her anything. And hopefully she won't need much. I'm beginning to feel woozy, like my head's too heavy for my body, and I can't quite see straight.

The kid leads me to a low cot and tells me to lie down - and daaamn, does that feel good. I have a long, heavy sigh. I can just drift away.

"Don't fall asleep," Sombra says, jolting me out of my reverie.

"Hmm?" I glance at her, but my eyes are already drifting closed again.

"Jamie!" She strides over and pinches my ear, hard, like when my mum used to scold me. "Hey! I know you're tired. Just hang on a little longer. She's almost back."

"I don't see what's the fuss, mate," I mumble.

"The fuss?" And she slaps me, hard, across the face. My eyes flick open and I try to sit up. But there's a kind of cold tingling rushing down my body and my muscles don't seem to be paying attention to me anymore. "The fuss? Jamison Fawkes, you are about to lose consciousness. You've lost so much blood your face looks like plaster. If you go to sleep now, you will never wake up."

"S' Mako's fault," I tell her. "He said he'd take care a' me. Is there a beer round this place perchance?"

"No. Beer will put you to sleep," Sombra says. "Please. Stay awake, Jamie."

"You sound worried, mate."

"Damn right I'm worried." Her face begins to fuzz in front of me and the rest of what she says comes through handfuls of cotton. But then I feel her hand gently holding mine. Her fingers are warm and soft and for a moment, there's something to focus on besides the constant pain.

"I can't," I say, after a moment that seems to last eternity. "I'm conked."

"She's almost back."

"Slap me again." I manage a grin, though my eyelids are drooping and I can't keep them open anymore.

She squeezes my hand. "You're okay," she says. "Listen to my voice, Jamie. You're okay."

I can't feel my legs anymore. Or my chest. Slowly Sombra's hand fades and the room around her begins to dim. She's talking but I don't care what she's saying anymore. Then the darkness closes round, and I drift gently into nothing.

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