Coffins above all plus a mother...

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Arianna's POV

"So," I started, looking at Nik from across the room, "did you have a heart to heart with Caroline last night?"

He sighed and put down one of his many art books. "Yes, if you must know."

I smiled at him, laying down on the armchair beside me, I knew I was the only one he'd ever actually admit something like that so easily too, "you told her what awaits her out there, beyond the small walls of Mystic Falls, didn't you?"

There was a long pause before he answered me, "I did, she was deciding whether she wanted to die or not, I had to give her a chance, a glimpse of what was out there."

I looked at him, "sweet." I cooed, having enough of teasing him I said with some seriousness, "Nik, you need to get the coffins. Go over to the Salvatore residence and ask what the hell is happening, the Hybrids are gone and Stefan hasn't contacted us. I hate that some stupid little Vampire is holding them. Your the oldest in the room, go over there and do something about it."

I saw him roll his eyes, "alright I'm going."

I just made a face at him. Dam right your going.


Third Person's POV

Klaus relaxed on one of the chairs in the living room of the Boarding house. He sipped his drink as he listened to the loud music. Not a minute later did Stefan Salvatore walk through the door. Klaus smirked as he watched him walk around to the remote, where he turned it down. Stefan sat down opposite Klaus before finally deciding to speak.

"What are you doing here Klaus." He said boredly, "what do you want."

"The question is," Klaus mused, "what do you want? My Hybrids left town as you demanded so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back."

"Well, you see Klaus," Stefan started, spreading his hands, "I'm not negotiating."

"Then you understand holding my family indefinitely is the same as dropping them in the ocean." He answered, putting down the empty glass.

"No, you leave Mystic Falls and give me a call in a few years, then we'll negotiate the terms of getting your family back."

Klaus rubbed his jaw in mock thought, "you know what? I'll give you another chance. Just one more, lets make a reasonable deal." He said. Klaus knew Aria would react badly if he came home to tell her that he failed and they had to move in order to get their family back in a few years. Yeah, that won't happen smoothly.

Stefan leaned closer, "or what? You make one move and I'll-"

He cut him off with a humourless laugh, "yes, right. Crazy Stefan. How's that working out for you, any friends left?" He taunted. That, Klaus noticed, wiped the smirk off his face. "Stop with the stalling, Stefan. You have no remote idea how to deal with Aria, if you don't make the deal with me, then you'll have her to deal with, and trust me, you don't want that if you want to keep your spinal cord in place."


The Original had left soon after their conversation ended, instead of going home, Klaus went to the police station where he compelled the address of the Bennett Witch's mother, with a phone call, he sent Daniel to go to the address and do whatever was necessary to retrieve the place where the coffins were hidden. Because eventually, Bonnie would show up there. Klaus knew this because whilst he was at the police station, he overheard the Sheriff talking to Elena about an Abbie Bennett.

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